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Nigeria, Daddy Freeze: Woke Against Christianity Or Hate And Bitterness -By Nneka Okumazie




Part of genuine Christianity is to know that the LORD may not give everything asked or desired, but love and obedience to Him – should stay strong.

Yes, life can be difficult. Things can get so rough, so tough, hard troubles can leave an individual closed out – finding no help.

But, hope in GOD is that He can save from trouble in this life, and be with Him after. There is a lot of genuine Christianity about Faith, a lot of it about Hope. These two are engines of each day, to drive through life, for devout Christians.


Knowing that GOD is Superior, or say Supreme Sovereign, in a relationship with Him, can be that Fear of Him, or submission to Him to cut out so much of the comparisons, insults, misbehaving, or misgivings about Him, or His Power.

It is possible some people were born into Christian homes, but got to points where they seemed to become wiser and outgrew the Christian Faith. So they felt free to haul insults at the Faith, at the Church and at genuine Christians.


But, yes GOD is merciful, GOD is full of grace and compassion, GOD so loved the world, GOD is slow to anger, so it is possible to be against GOD – directly or indirectly, and seem to be free.

It does not mean the Power of GOD isn’t potent, or there is no judgment for those actions. Many give more respect to science, technology, the law and to humanity than Christ.


Jesus Christ is not flawed. Jesus Christ is perfect. Jesus Christ is the Greatest. Christ solved problems in the world that nothing else can solve, or nothing could have understood.

Christ preached love, talked a lot about it. Everyone still struggles to love – the kind He prescribed. The world is so much flooded with hate – aided, in recent times, by technology. Hate disguised as so many things.

Hate is a big problem for the world with a solution in what Christ preached. But NO, hate for Christ by many won’t let His love be seen as the answer.


Christ preached about letting yes be yes, and no be no. He talked a lot about honesty. Though, some would say, you can’t always tell the truth, well, that excuse is the reason for heavy deception, found everywhere, no matter how small or big, the situation. [Matthew 5:37, But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.]

There is also evil in the world, so much wickedness, bitterness, selfishness, malice, rebellion, disobedience, etc. Yes, some will deny, that it is the excuse many use to discuss Salvation, but envy or hate can overtake the mind of anyone.

Christ offered answers to many of the natural vices of humanity. Instead many would rate others over Christ.


Every question against the true Christian faith is dead. Why didn’t GOD do this, or do that?

Well, GOD is a Spirit and some of those questions are supposed to be in the jurisdiction of science, technology, geology, psychology, economics, government, business, etc.

Maybe these subjects are really limited, maybe the unknowns outsizes the known. Maybe, life is so complicated beyond what anyone can equate or understand.


Aside the many imperfections of the world, nothing solves bitterness, evil, envy, wickedness, unknown intentions and hate.

Christ didn’t come to offer to the world a solution to earthquakes, neither was His feeding of five thousand a policy against hunger, Christ came for redemption to GOD, to enable loving the LORD – with all heart, soul, strength and mind, and to love others, as self.

It is strange to ask stupid questions, so boldly, and to think that it means some wisdom or some enlightenment. Being a part of the genuine Christian Faith is voluntary, it is for personal change, and it has a lot of benefits.


But to think that some self-discovery invalidates the realities of life and answers of the Christian Faith is complete delusion.

Many of the void technologies should fill – emptiness, loneliness, etc. are common problems across digital platforms. Love for GOD should be steady and not waver. This heart of love – developed, no matter what question seems answered or whatever situation, is one advantage of Salvation obtainable nowhere else.

Many want the better choice, the thing that pays off, and are often ready to switch, regardless of allegiance, passion, or motivations. But to abide in JESUS is all it is for devout followers of GOD.

[John 15:4, Abide in ME, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in ME.] [1 Samuel 17:46, This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a GOD in Israel.]

Life has far more effect on everyone. There are things acceptable, things coveted, things respected, things classy, trendy and exclusive. Many of these are desires that carry heavy attraction, and almost everyone thinks it is what is needed to mean a better life.

Everyone is sometimes driven by these, more than a changed heart, behavior, or changed life. [Matthew 6:31, Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?]

Yes, people survive hate, wickedness and bitterness, but it is better not to give out those. There are people who because of one hate or wickedness that came to them – became mercenaries of worse.


Sometimes, the material things that are coveted are so possible to get or lose, if time and chance happens, and it could be anyone; so genuine Christians shouldn’t worry, because Salvation is greater.

Desires sometimes align with vulnerabilities. There are feelings that no one else can understand or explain. There are motivations for just one thing that joy hinges on.

Yes, in some moments and situations, satisfactory answers may not be found to eruption of questions as a genuine Christian, but there should never be surrender because no true answers elsewhere.


The placing of life makes it easy to judge by what everyone sees and what everyone has, but in genuine Christianity, it is said to not judge. [Matthew 7:2, For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.]

Hate for genuine Christianity gives some the boldness to blame true Churches or Pastors for everything. But they are wrong. Some have so much hate, they often insult – thinking they should.

But the true Church or Pastor has nothing superior to offer to anyone outside Christ. There are so many expectations beyond the power of any true Church or Pastor, so sometimes, understanding the message of Christ saves from hate, or say awry woke questions.


Some have thought that by trying out loud hate, they can crush Christianity, but unfortunately for them: too late. [1 Corinthians 2:8, Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known [it], they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory.]


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