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Live!!! Never To Die Again -By Sunday T. Saheed



Sunday T. Saheed

Many years had passed, and many will still pass. It has been years after William Shakespeare’s death but yet his name still wanders about in the plain world. Presumably, he is one of those who lived, and didnt die. Before allowing your subconscious to vituperate me, hear my words in details.

“Is it possible to live after death?” Do you ask this kind of question? If you do, I give my answer to you, as “yes”. Apart from the eternal life after death, there are ways to continue living, even when in your own personal apartment; your coffin. This is how!!!


Dream big!!! And act big!!! When you are following your passion in developing your own dream, try to be contented. Many still overlook small achievements, calling it no achievement at all. Friend, if you pertake in this, it’s totally wrong. Every achievement, no matter how little, is an achievement. If you leave every small achievement waiting for a big one, when do you know the big one will come? Rome is not built in a day. Development starts from being small before being big. Atleast, a continous drop of water can become a river, remember! A continous one. Gather little achievements and watch out how they turn into an alarming big one.

My Teacher, Mr. Sanyaolu once showed me a news on someone who celebrated her achievement on hurdles. This person was not the first, second, third, not even among the eighth. Of course, she knew she had improved, it was vivid and lucid she had improved. She celebrated her achievement, her improvement. What a wonderful being I will advise you to emulate!!! It is quite a little achievement to you, but not to her. She really has a perfect insight.

Do you know why I love making reference to Shakespeare or even his words? It is because he is worth it. He is worthy to be a role model. Even his words were in the dictionary, being used. No matter that context of Shakespeare, it makes me swim in the river of imagery and illusion. Do you know you really can supersede him? Yes, but not when you haven’t give it a try.


Let everything you do have a glimpse of perfection, if not totally perfect. Let the excellence of your achievement be quite extraordinary, quite bountiful. The world changes and innovates everytime. Put that efficiency in your works that even when another century comes, the quality of that works still remains. You may think it’s impossible but I think it is not. If Paul could later be a Christian that supported Christ, preach the words of God, then I think it’s possible.

Now, let your subconscious judge. Let your innermind reconstruct. Repair the obstruction if your thoughts’ sieve that is leaking. Are these words not true? Are its footprint leading to a hood destination? Whether true or not, it won’t be depicted if you dont act. Act and see how you live alive, even in your death. How you live never to die again!!!



Sunday T. Saheed is a literary enthusiast with in-depth passion in travelling, writing and listening to educative music

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