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T.B. Joshua And The Year Of Humility -By Iwelunmor Patrick



TB Joshua

The catastrophic effects of the COVID – 19 pandemic, all over the world, have lent credence to an aspect of Prophet TB Joshua’s prophecies for the year 2020. The man of God had earlier in the year released a list of prophecies, in which he had warned that the year 2020 would be a year of humility. As a matter of fact, the first prophecy on that list read: “This year will be a year of HUMILITY. This year, the Lord will humble us with our challenges. Challenges can be affliction, arrogance, pride, wickedness or bad habits. To humble us with these is for those things to destroy us or exposed us. Let us move closer to God”.

It is no longer news that the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the vanity of human sophistication as it has rendered the so-called world powers powerless in their panicky attempts to find a solution to the health menace. With no known cure, the coronavirus has consumed thousands of lives and has kept everyone on edge with fears of an uncertain tomorrow. China, with all its advancements in science and technology, has not been able to muster an inkling of understanding as to how the rampaging monster which was first discovered in one of its cities – Wuhan, can be tamed. Being one of the world’s technological hubs, the spread of COVID – 19 from Wuhan to other parts of the world became inevitable as a result of travels occasioned by international trade relations between the Asian giant and countries mostly from Europe and Africa.

The United States of America which had always prided itself as God’s Own Country is currently facing one of the most embarrassing medical emergencies of all time. With over thirty thousand COVID – 19 related deaths recorded, that toga of invincibility has been shed while humility is staring them in the face. Donald Trump has been forced to review his visa policy which had hitherto stipulated very stringent conditions for immigrants. Today, he is practically begging for medical aid from Africa and China. He has thrown away pride in a desperate quest for the preservation of the lives of his people.


Businesses have been crippled due to global economic shutdown which has led to massive loss of jobs and revenue. Oil prices have witnessed an all-time low while lives and livelihoods are in the eye of the storm. TB Joshua’s prophetic admonition is now playing out and no one living is spared. We are all affected directly or indirectly. No one had ever envisaged that the COVID – 19 pandemic would come so suddenly like a bolt from the blue. Relationships both interpersonal and international have been restricted due to the social distancing rule that the pandemic has necessitated. Religious worship is almost non-existent as churches and mosques have been barred from allowing any form of gathering.

Even the Pope had to celebrate both the Palm Sunday and Easter masses in an empty Basilica. The world has been brought to its knees. Enemies have become friends because survival is now the common aspiration of all and sundry. Both the rich and the poor are vulnerable to the disease which does not know tribe, race or political inclination. Perhaps, it could have been averted if the world had gone down on its knees to cry to God. Alas, as is always the case with mankind, we always don’t heed the warnings of our Prophets and Prophetesses. Instead we run after ephemeral fancies and adore earthly creations rather than the Creator. Now that we have been held hostage by the novel virus that has continued to dispense death from place to place, let us use the uneasy calm it has brought to re-establish our relationships with God and begin to respect his Prophets and Prophetesses. I strongly believe that, if we had taken the words of Prophet TB Joshua seriously, prayer would have averted what has now become the most feared reality of the 21st century.

Iwelunmor Patrick, a Public Relations and Media Practitioner, writes from Lagos.

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