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5 Things You Can Do To Position Yourself As The “Go To” Expert In Your Industry -By Iterogba Adeoluwa

So to increase your sales margin significantly, you’ve got to earn the trust of your customers by demonstrating your expertise. Here is how you achieve that



Iterogba Adeoluwa

“Money flows in the direction of value” and “controlled perception is the key to entrepreneurial success” were the two words that liberated my business from low sales in 2019 (Want to know how? Then keep reading)

Everyone has an opinion about everything, and by default humans are configured to always make assumptions; hence the impressions you create about yourself and your brand goes a long way in determining if people will buy from you or not.

People are not just looking for value, they desire to hire or buy from the best hand available; this single factor makes perceived experts become hot cake in any industry. Or how many of you allow the apprentice who is just learning handle your hair at the saloon, when you have an event to attend? No one, I guess.


So to increase your sales margin significantly, you’ve got to earn the trust of your customers by demonstrating your expertise. Here is how you achieve that:

  1. Market yourself as an expert: Talk about your brand and the results you help people get. Talk, walk and do business as the expert that you are. Offer advice, even when no one is asking. Put out content about yourself, displaying what you do shamelessly. That noise will trigger curiosity in people.
  2. Show evidence of your results by posting feedbacks and testimonies from people who have worked with you. I can stress this enough; be very deliberate about requesting for reviews from your customers.
  3. Ask for referrals from your satisfied clients: Never assume that they will refer you automatically; tell them to help you talk to their friends and families who might need your services. Learn to turn your customers to loyal marketers. Remember, word of mouth marketing is still the most potent form of marketing with a 40% potential to lead to conversion.
  4. Launch trainings on your area of expertise: The aim should be to give people the opportunity to see you demonstrate your expertise and give them value either for free or at a cost. Well, if you call yourself a great chef, then let people see you cook!
  5. Be consistent with 1, 2, 3 and 4: Doing all these once in a while would amount to nothing; you must make it a part of your life and process to talk about your brand, post feedbacks from satisfied clients, demonstrate your expertise and ask for referrals.

Trust me, people are watching and monitoring your progress; soon they will start taking you seriously and referring you without you asking.

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