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Will Trump reprise Buhari? -By Minabere Ibelema



Minabere Ibelema

Whenever it appears that an incumbent is facing long odds for re-election, I think of a conversation with my then seven-year-old son. It was early in November 2004 and President George Bush had just been re-elected despite a spirited challenge by Democrat John Kerry. My son —then a second-grade pupil — was perplexed by the result. “How can President Bush win,” he asked, “nobody likes him?”

I couldn’t help being bemused by the young boy’s punditry. “If you think nobody likes him it is because of the company you keep,” I responded with a wink.

Although Alabama is one of the most conservative states in the US, the Birmingham metro area we live in is considerably liberal. And public school teachers tend to be more liberal than the general public. So, my son was surrounded by people who didn’t think much of a president who was prone to mangling grammar. What was beyond the boy’s understanding was that there was a vastly different world outside that campus.



Quite a few Nigerians must have felt like my son after President Muhammadu Buhari’s re-election in March. There are places in Nigeria were the chorus of disapproval of his performance was so intense, people couldn’t see the possibility of his re-election. Not even in a country with a history of rigging and regional pattern of voting.

The US presidential election that is a year and a half away could well follow the Bush-Buhari pattern. To many Americans, Trump can’t possibly be re-elected. He is too mercurial, too erratic, too unpredictable and, in effect, too un-presidential. Even his loyal supporters assert some or all of the above.

Moreover, his tenure has been dogged by an investigation of whether his campaign colluded with Russians in their campaign to influence the election. Though the special prosecutor found no evidence of collusion, he left open the inference of obstruction of justice.

Now Congress is undertaking a follow-up to the special prosecutor’s report. To begin with, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives wants the full report, without blacked out passages. And it wants to interview the special prosecutor and the attorney general. To these requests, the president has said no.


The House is also asking for Trump’s tax returns for the last six years. Though not a legal obligation, all presidents in recent history have made public their tax records. But the real estate mogul-turned-politician has refused to oblige. The speculation is that the Democrats are already privy to compromising information in Trump’s tax filings and are merely seeking to have it on official record.

Now Congress has two options to resolve the standoff: go to court or start impeachment proceedings. On these, not even the Democrats can agree. As to the Republicans, it is the fly-on-a-hernia situation. They risk hurting their standing with constituents if they get aggressive with Trump. On the other hand, they will lose all credibility if they overtly support the undermining of Congressional authority.

The odds are that this drama will continue for the next several months, even as the campaign for next year’s presidential election heats up. It is not a hospitable context for the re-election of an incumbent.


Even then, only over-optimistic partisans would write off Trump. Unlike Buhari, who was presiding over a depressed economy, Trump can count on a roaring one to be the wind in his re-election sail. Unemployment is at its lowest in decades and incomes have risen, though not evenly or commensurate with the overall surge.

The state of the economy is the strongest predictor of the re-election of incumbents. It was the primary reason President Bill Clinton remained popular to the end of his term despite a tawdry sex scandal and the related narrow escape from impeachment.

Trump’s only potential economic trap is his tariff war with China. The tit-for-tat in raising tariffs has caused a steep fall in the volume of produce US farmers export to China, and that is hurting one of Trump’s staunchest supporters.


Trump has acted to alleviate the loss by giving farmers billions of dollars in relief aid. Whether that will be enough will depend on how long the tariff war lasts and whether the relief dollars will continue to flow.

Weak opponents

Until recently, another wind in Trump’s campaign sail was the weak crop of Democratic candidates for nomination. As of last count, there are 20 of them. They include a number of people the like of whom would not even have thought of running for the office 10 years ago.


There are three small-town mayors, the first Hindu in the US Congress, and an Asian-American tech wiz whose passion is to save jobs from robots. The one thing they all must have in common is the inspiration: “If a young, black man and an unruly businessman can become president, so can I.”

Trump’s chances were also enhanced by the fact that a newly elected crop of Democrats in Congress pushed that caucus to the ideological left. They unofficially adopted “democratic socialism,” the platform that Sen. Bernie Sanders ran on in the 2016 primaries and gave Hillary Clinton a scare.

Usually new members of Congress are mostly seen but not heard. Not this crop. Foremost among them is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York waitress who unseated a veteran congressman in 2016. More so than Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez has become the face of the Democratic Party. There is no better evidence of her celebrity status than that she is already known by an acronym, AOC. It is an honour only a few presidents have been accorded.


AOC didn’t waste time co-sponsoring a legislation, the “Green New Deal,” that calls for a radical transformation of the US economic order. Among other things, it would guarantee healthcare, education, jobs, and housing for all Americans. It would also set the goal of reducing polluting emissions to zero within 10 years.

These are laudable objectives, of course. But they would be certain fodder for Trump’s campaign cannons. He will say at every campaign rally that the Democrats have become socialists. And he will reinforce that with daily tweets. That is certain to turn away centrist voters and hand Trump the victory.

That likelihood changed dramatically when Joe Biden, Obama’s vice president, declared his candidacy recently. Like Obama, he is a centrist — an experienced one at that. However, though Uncle Joe, as some call him, immediately became the Democratic frontrunner in the polls, there is no guarantee that Democrats won’t choose someone else that Trump can walk over. It all makes for an intriguing campaign season.



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