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Africa: Destruction of an increasing craze and a Field of Lemon to be Liberated -By Jimi Bickersteth

The opening ceremony events of the AFCON in Yaunde, the Cameroonian capital city, indeed, showcased the African continent’s cultural diversity in dance, music, architecture, sculpture, vigour, vitality, and generally, a Dramatis originality of who we are as a people, and a young global population that should reach 2.5 billion by year 2050, it represents the future of humanity.



Jimi Bickersteth

The African Cup of Nation kicked off last night with an array of stars both local and those lacing their boots in Europe and other far-flung places around the globe. With the concerted efforts of organising its football, the continent needs the vigour to free itself from the effect of neocolonialism.

The African continent with an area of 30.37 million km² and bigger than all of Europe, China and the USA put together at 30.22 million km². An arable land size of 60% – a cord to feed the whole world. With its 90% raw materials reserve, 40% global gold reserve, 33% diamond reserve, 80% of Coltan global reserve ( mineral for telephone and electronics production), 60% of global cobalt reserve ( mineral for car battery manufacture), quite rich in oil and gas and with the world’s richest fish coastline and a human population of 1.3 billion is home to about 30,000 medicinal recipes and herbs the West modified in its laboratories. This verifiable stats, placed on all fours, are sufficiently able to trigger Africa’s economic renaissance, boost global economic industrialization, and paved the way for Africa to own and rule the world, albeit, the continent is suffering greatly, and its affecting life and living, with its leadership and AU caged.

The opening ceremony events of the AFCON in Yaunde, the Cameroonian capital city, indeed, showcased the African continent’s cultural diversity in dance, music, architecture, sculpture, vigour, vitality, and generally, a Dramatis originality of who we are as a people, and a young global population that should reach 2.5 billion by year 2050, it represents the future of humanity. However, the European powers and their UN and its organs have made it copiously obvious that African was incapable of ruling the world. Yes, there is a legal maxim that the law will not compel the performance of an impossibility.


I was raised in the heartland of a dynamic young nation and early became an observing witness to the scene around me, with the eye and honesty that saw life in its full dimension, the virtues, the vice, the injustices and cruelty, and now, lesbianism, homos as against the straight.

I was struck by the exposed beauty of the African continent that was 60% of the world in size, natural and human resources, the endless veld, the treeless reaches of landscape, the wonderful little flat-topped hills, the unexpected enclaves with elephants and wildlife, and the great blazing sky.

A gorgeous continent unlike no other, though green and backward. But whether in the countryside or in the small towns, I have become increasingly aware that whites and blacks occupied two radically different worlds. In philosophy, psychology, sports and mien, and the differences were clearly constant, universal and almost often severely enforced.


Like a running torch applied to tinder the white ‘supremacy’ and ‘superiority’ had engulfed in a way much that remained of the African continent. Its young men had been struck down, boundaries had been swept aside, loyalties have faltered even in the African internal politics and anguish had trespassed on human hope.

The African continent have been sentenced to adversity and have endured death-like trials, and now are eager and impatient to arrive. In these hurried state, Africa focused too much on what they didn’t get, while its too easy to forget all of what they did get, their humanity.

Then, the deafeningly loud music, lesbianism and homos cameo aesthetically sneaked into the African consciousness, just when it was about coming to terms with its realities, particularly, that it needs home-grown solutions to its myriad of socioeconomic and political problems, especially the issue of an altruistic and incorruptible leadership, which have hitherto bedeviled the continent.


Let’s highlight some home truth in this treatise, in the process, the truth can make one miserable! One author says: ‘Truth can be very uncomfortable. We have pivotal moments when we’re asked to step up and say it or act on it. But I preferred the sting of truth… to the isolation of deception.

We’ve all been socially conditioned to be pleasing and avoiding making waves, so some of what we have to learn about the truth is actually a process of “unlearning”. The pursuit of truth is like a salmon’s upstream journey; we’re literally going against the current.

The world says truth can change based on circumstances, comparisons, near data and levels of experience. But ultimate truth isn’t relative. It can’t be rationalised or customised to fit our moods and preferences. That’s why the status of our heart is so important.


There is growing concern over the dangerous influence the risky choice of gay relationship and its unusual sexual proclivities, outré attitude and a plant that had been nourished with tainted water would bring to bear on the African society in later years, that’s because a generation that’s been exposed to intense immorality grows up with more acceptance of immorality. Listen to the lewd music and art and dance.

The world love experimenting, it used to be in Vitro fertilisation (IVF), fertilisation of an egg by artificial means outside the body of the mother. It went on to genetic engineering and cloning technology, to produce a plant or an animal as a clone, this, arguably, led to some ground breaking breakthroughs and furthered advancements in the sciences; and now, turning a man into a woman and vice versa.

The mere sound of the word g-a-y, evoke the nauseating smell and sight of sex, sweat, booze and smoke. It is like the wailing of the flute inseparably connected with tragedy and death, wafting in the air, that one could feel moss sprouting out of one’s ears. Here, let’s go spiritual, and do a God or science one, so as to strike a balance.


God did not make life in a simple form and allow it to evolve into more complex forms, like science. Instead, he created basic “kinds” of complex plants and animals, which then reproduced according to their kinds”. At creation, God had heterosexuality – opposite – sex romantic and or sexual relationship in mind as deluxe. Mind you, it would have cost him anything extra if He wanted another man in Eden.

Hence, this process, which continues today, has resulted in the earth being filled with the same “kinds” of life that God originally created, and, thus, supercedes, logical reasoning, rational thinking and or science. So here, there must be heterosexism – patent discrimination and isolation of homosexuals, bisexuals and asexuals. What the teeth could not grind the nail should not even contemplate.

While it is not specific how much variation can occur within a kind, as might result when animals including Man within a kind interbreed and adapt to their environment. While one may view such adaptations as a form of evolution, no new kind of life is produced. It is amazing that science, rational thinking and logical reasoning cannot answer the deepest questions of humanity.


As soon as you ask why is there something instead of nothing, you have gone beyond science. It goes further to confirm the fact that the suffering, injustices, sickness et al, as well as the crime, m breakdown, and other atrocities that have plagued mankind throughout the ages are undeniable evidence that man’s attempts to govern himself independently of God have been an unmitigated disaster and a miserable failure, ain’t the world forgetting that we are also His progeny.

Human beings, male, female, are known for being warm, hospitable, gregarious, and are by nature designed to procreate. But when such vivacious understanding and relationships is reduced to cuddling, kissing, and fondling of people of the same gender, it becomes immoral and an unusual sexual proclivities, and therefore, atrocious, wild, unpleasant, outrageous and demeaning.

The world must endeavour to apply the correct test under the rule and stop this pie-in-the-sky philosophy, and the world must stand on its feet condemning it and be condemned in the strongest of terms possible that it is a no-no. The illicit romance and sex market has brought to the fore.


The argument that the influence of the church at providing leadership at its most challenging is said to have weakened in recent years, as public opinion has ignored long-held policies on abortion, extra marital affairs, divorce, lesbianism and homosexuality. The Church concerned with its own living faith, growth and shepherds prosperity has become clueless, cold and confused. It is a sour grape in a world of mirth and mischief that the mascot for gay marriage are political and religious leaders.

We are living in a crazy, strange and mysterious world and times. A world where virtue is losing its meaning. One is aware that only puppets don’t have sexual orientations. We are human beings and any attempt to turn us into mindless puppets by pawn masters must be met with cruel rebuff. If the world needs population control, there are saner and better scientific means to so do.

In a world where our natural “default” setting ( the one automatically selected by our internal computer unless we deliberately choose another option) is always set toward a lower standard, we have continuously and consistently exemplified the flawed nature of our rebellious first human parents passed on to us.


The church got immersed in the resulting deluge of disobedience. The world they made, the world they have given society is going to hell in a hack and a hand basket. Religious and political leaders are expected to live by high standards and must exhibit piety in words and deeds and action, in a world where few would have enough to eat, not one in a thousand could travel where he please through covid19 restrictions and protocols or hear uncensored news. Meanwhile, the old killer diseases were stalking the land: malaria, influenza, pneumonia, typhoid, tuberculosis and cholera.

It is appaling that today, the world has grown callous and rotting in odious flattery in the name of fundamental human rights, freedom and liberty. Institutions that were originally conceived to act blasé and with the gentleness of a nursing mother to nation’s in distress have now become tools of oppression and coercion.

This has confirmed, the world is living in an age when gombeens politicians and bankers twist the truth to enhance the bottom line: sodomy for cash, Ugandans, nay Africans must understand this powerful metaphor. When a Ugandan heard this, he threw down his bag, gollied up some phlegm, and spat into the sand, that is all Africans should be doing to sodomy.


The world must be told that just as successful people are always creatures of habit this unnatural and immoral feeling and (of homosexuals and the like) was learnt and so must be unlearnt. It’s evil and a costly misadventure, and must be crushed on the head by legislation globally, otherwise, the world would be saying, whoever has learnt to cock a rifle should go on the prowl and pull the trigger. Hence, the negligible few misinformed and adventurously misguided ones living in self delusion should not be allowed to determine the destiny of the world. The world must unite and without self-effacing to say, NO!

The world must reject in its entirety any attempt by political and religious leaders to make same-sex marriage and sexual relationship worthless, unwanted, unnecessary and good for nothing. The strident call to the world’s brimming youth is, that habits have a cumulative effect, and often the results don’t show up until much later in life. Immorality have crippled the peoples sense of rights and wrongs.

If your habits are bad, by the time the damage is evident its too late to alter your results. That’s why you need to take control of your habits, now. The thing, however, is, a bad habit never goes away by itself. It’s not your circumstances, it’s your thoughts about your circumstances that produce your emotions. When you begin to think differently you feel differently, your thoughts trigger biochemistry that determines your feelings, their duration and intensity. Why you enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.


Your habits determine your future, so, if negative role models have influenced your manners the zazoo way, look for good examples whose behaviours is worthy of emulation. Listen! The word on marble says: “…Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies”…and “…the wife should have deep (profound) respect for her husband”; the simple and ordinary meaning of “husbands”, “wives”, and “her”, “his” remained the same and until now has not changed.

The quotes here are from the scriptures, inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things right and straight. The holy Scriptures are not a medical compendium: nor do they regulate every aspect of human behaviours, God’s law code given to ancient Israel include measures that would control and in some cases even prevent diseases. God outlawed same-sex marriage, but any recalcitrant disobedience may, hey presto, open the floodgates of the prevalence of evil.

To those engaged in lesbianism, homosexuality and gay marriage, they are GOMERS and do not need medical care. The primary roots of such emotional excess and lack of control is a mental-state and lies within. The more you feed your systems with wrong inclinations, when you look at, listen to or think about bad things. The solution is to feed one’s mind with wholesome things.


We must starve and deaden bad desires and nurture good ones. Willpower and discipline alone won’t do it, you need strong faith. There are some balls you’d no business juggling. Get the courage to let them fall. It is possible, even in a world where marriage has become an empty round of bed and boredom and exaggerated worries. Milton note years ago: “The Mind Is Its Own Place, and In Itself Can Make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.”

In a world that has made Africans obsessed with making money and more money than improving peoples wellbeing, a world where children are been pressed into a grown-up and asked to become the best their parents were not, and was fast turning the child into extreme individualists with an upper-class mentality, who are completely focused on themselves, who are slap-happy in their attitude to life; and now the cameo of same-sex marriage. Killing the fun in life.

To have our blushes spared, Africa needs to tell its army of impressionable youths that their strength is determined by the innermost fibres of who they are, and sway them to see life beyond gambling, lesbianism, homosexuality, two-somes and three-somes that were becoming rampant in the red light districts and every nook and cranies of the world. The African child must be alerted to the fact that every choice has consequences and that when you commit to the wrong things you end up living with regrets, so, choose wisely, and live a life that has all the trappings of grace, glory, quality and class.


God established boundaries for our protection, blessing and guidance. Let the world stand up for what is right. Darkness has never and will never be a friend of light or wrong a companion of right. The movement toward a sane, cult, drug, paedophile and same-sex marriage – free society is a joint parent-child- government-church-mosque project.

Parents should take every possible steps within the ambits and parameters of the law and common sense as they embark on the drive; organise gigs and anti-cultism, anti-drug and anti-ssm rallies. Africa must seize the initiative and preserve the essence and spirit of its being.

The issue should no longer be about what went wrong in the name of fundamental human rights and freedom of association, because everything that could went wrong, with our perceptions and perspective. Therefore, it should henceforth be about what the continent is putting right. The willingness to act in spite of your feelings is what God responds to.


In conclusion, in the heat of the blitz, the continent must forged its will to triumph. The good must triumph over the bad. African political and religious leaders must never jump through hoops for the propaganda circus; particularly, today, at a period when peace, goodwill, wellbeing and security could mean everything or nothing at all.

#Jimi Bickersteth
Jimi Bickersteth is a super blogger, public affairs commentator and writer.
He can be reached on Twitter

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