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Boy Child Neglect: A Recipe For Many Troubles Plaguing Nigeria -By Ogbole Agala Esq.

A plethora of evidence point to the fact that in general terms, terrorist activities, drug abuse and other criminal ventures that consistently threaten the security of lives and properties in Nigeria are male dominated.



Ogbole Agala Esq.

In the face of diverse challenges plaguing Nigeria, especially pertaining to insecurity, it is of utmost expedience to dive deep into salient causative factors, in a bid to arrive at a holistic diagnosis, which is prerequisite to the prescription of any meaningful solution.

Statistics published in July 2021 by World Prison Brief reveal that the total number of inmates incarcerated at the facilities of the Nigerian Correctional Service (Prisons) is 68,556. Of this number, only 1.9% are female, meaning 98.1 are male. This is a clear indication that more male than female Nigerians are likely to get involved in criminal activities or be suspected for same.

A plethora of evidence point to the fact that in general terms, terrorist activities, drug abuse and other criminal ventures that consistently threaten the security of lives and properties in Nigeria are male dominated.


A few days back, I had cause to talk with a teenage boy I knew right from when he was about four years old. He revealed that while he was in Junior Secondary School, he was approached by some of his peers who were cultists. They invited him to become a member of their cult. When I asked for the exact things they said to him in a bid to woo him, he said they told him if he joins them, no one will look for his trouble anymore. Funny as this may sound, such words have been used to woo several young boys into dangerous gangs, on account of which their lives and the lives of their family members, friends and neighbors remain in grave danger. This is one negative effect of abandoning boys to grow on their own, without deliberate efforts and attention aimed at ensuring their welfare on all fronts, through proper guidance.

Up until 2015, claims of rape were exclusive to females under Nigerian law. This means that by the provisons of the law, a boy or man could not be raped. Rape was expressly defined as the penetration of the vagina, hence, only women could be raped. However, in 2015, the Violence Against Person’s Prohibition Act was passed, which expanded the definition of rape to cover certain sexual actions against male individuals. The VAPP Act is only effective in Abuja. Although some states have domesticated this law, many states still haven’t done so, hence, boys or men cannot complain of being raped in those states. The outcome of this particular brand of neglect is devastating, to say the least.

There are more questions than answers pertaining to the involvement of more men in vices than women. One may say the physical strength of the male folk makes it easier for more boys and men to indulge in the rigours of crime and violence. Be that as it may, the absence of deliberate attention and the effects of societal pressures are potent factors responsible for male involvement and domination of criminal ventures.


It is easier to see both government and nongovernmental organizations dedicated solely to the promotion of interests peculiar to girls, than to see any such organizations set up to advance causes for boys in exclusive terms.

Understandably, over the years, the need for a shift from ancient patriarchal social settings towards ensuring social balance between men and women gave rise to the continuous establishment of systems to promote equal rights and privileges, devoid of gender supremacy. However, with the passage of time and the commendable achievement of goals set along this line, it is time to balance things. This is because the short and long term effects of neglecting boys in the process of uplifting girls are understandable.

Notwithstanding the necessity and benefits of all that is done all over the world to advance the cause of the girl child, abandoning boys to their fate will continually render such efforts ineffective. Girls do not live in an exclusive world. After their well-being is taken care of, they return to societies where they live with men who were uncatered for while they were boys.


Today, the boy child needs as much attention as the girl child receives. Other than the benefits of such attention to the boy child, ventures pursuant to the well-being of the girl child would no longer be counterproductive if same attention is paid to boys too.

Both governmental and nongovernmental organizations should be created to cater exclusively to the needs of the boy child. This would have the long term effect of birthing a society with men who are less likely to get involved in vices.

Also, men should mentor young boys around them, guiding them to avoid common mistakes made on account of the absence of guidance or foresight. Beyond the creation of clubs, societies and associations for boys, one-on-one mentorship would go a long way to drive the goal of ensuring the holistic well-being of as many boys as possible.


The family must also be given its rightful place as an essential platform for social transformation. Deliberate attention should be given to boys from their homes, with the aim of making them useful to themselves and the society at large.

NIgeria would gradually be transformed into a better place, if the attention given to children is devoid of any whit of preference anchored on each child’s gender.

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