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BREAKING: Soldiers kill two ESN members in Imo

After the incident, the Explosive Ordnance Device team recovered several Improvised Explosive Devices planted along the road, as well as locally fabricated rocket launchers,” the statement added.



Nigerian soldiers army

Personnel of the Nigeran Army have killed two members of the Eastern Security Network, the militant wing of the Indigenous People of Biafra.

The ESN members were about to raid communities in Orsu Ihitte Ukwa and Ihitte Nansa in Imo State.

According to a statement by the Director of Army Public Relations, Brig. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, the troops killed the ESN members when they were about to use their rocket launchers on the troops.


He added that the operations was carried out in collaboration with Nigeran Navy, Air Force and other security operatives in the state.

The statement partly read, “Troops of Headquarters 82 Division Nigerian Army, made up of troops of 34 Artillery Brigade, in conjunction with troops of Nigerian Navy, Air Force and other security agencies on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, neutralised two combatants of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra and its militant wing, the Eastern Security Network along Eke Ututu – Ihitte Nansa road in Orsu Local Government Area of Imo State.

“The troops encountered the dissidents while carrying out a raid operation around the general area of Orsu Ihitte Ukwa and Ihitte Nansa.


The neutralised members had taken position to launch one of their primed rocket launchers, when they were engaged and taken out by the vigilant troops.”

He added that explosives detonated by the criminals destroyed some shops in the market.

“The fearless troops were unhurt, as Improvised Explosive Devices deployed by the irredentists exploded at Eke Ututu Market, destroying some of the shops in the market.


“Eke Ututu market has recently become a flash point as dissidents often ambush troops using explosives and fire arms from within and around the market, while troops are on routine patrol.

After the incident, the Explosive Ordnance Device team recovered several Improvised Explosive Devices planted along the road, as well as locally fabricated rocket launchers,” the statement added.

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