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Christianity, Government, Protests, Ideology, Dumbness, Power & Politics -By Nneka Okumazie

It is important to have internal strength, not just seeking always for the external, but to have this strength to wait a bit or a little, to process things through and properly, before going along the easy, one-way-think option available to all.



Is falling for false information dumbness or a factor of human limitation? Assuming this, in the most difficult to verify situation suggests human limitation, there are limitless amounts of things that people fall for – signifying dumbness.

It is easy to get people provoked, happy, moody, emotional or whatever expression is desired, by characteristic twists or turns for those outcomes.

It is almost impossible to be smart all the time. It is rare to be smart most times, but it is possible to be dumb most times – with few flashes of smartness.


Dumbness is probably the nucleus of behavior – with smartness as the shells. Dumbness pulls many but smartness takes work.

Dumbness sometimes is default of thoughts, sight or other senses. If it appears or speaks like this, it means this; if it acts or moves as that, it is that – without question.

It is far easier to predict that people would be dumb than to predict they’ll be smart. Lots of irrationality comes from dumbness. Deception, though a popular tool, uses dumbness.


It is not often the smart or sensible paths that draws many, but the simple, or feels part. Something can feel so good to taste, smell, or other senses, but does not mean it is good for behavior, health, etc. Many take the feel good and damn the consequences.

Something may be so good at present, so easy, so advantageous, so acceptable, but does not mean it is good for the future. Some answers may seem so right, so appraisable but dumb, cheap and impractical.

It is possible to have gone somewhere to get something at some point, but – would – years on, cause major problems for the people.


There are so many dumb thinking – so many outsourced thinking that turns out to be wrong.

One of the most common spots of dumbness is power. It is often assumed that people in powerful positions maneuver to get there and stay there, but predicting the behavior of the powerful is quite easy because of how power drives dumbness, because many assume that just being powerful means smart or better than others – it doesn’t. Ideology can take over power so dumbness can be the leader.

Do whatever you like as long as it does not affect anyone is another dumb statement that does not account for the possibility that private habits can be triggered externally depending on situation, or say calculation – that assumes it is possible to get away with it, or not get away, but to do it regardless.


In science, evidence determines much. In justice, evidence matters a lot. But some justice failed because evidence was not presented, or was countered, or ignored not because the crime was not committed. So the supremacy of evidence as the determinant of real true or false – isn’t that smart, it’s just the established rule.

Be careful what you think, or guard thy heart with diligence may seem odd to some, but the heart is the point of pull or plan for most wrongs. Thinking in certain ways is to have done it.

Selfishness – or the best for one person or group, seems like what is preferred by most, but this classic dumbness becomes a loss, starting from the ones who think it’s of maximum benefit.


The present in all its hardship for many – is a matrix from the past, in how some took to selfishness, for the advantage of the day, to become the loss of the future for things linked to them.

The circuitousness continues.

There is the smart spectrum and there is the dumb spectrum. Some choose or it chooses them. There are those in the dumb spectrum that no knowledge, exposure or information does much to get them away from it. As a fact, as some get more exposed, their dumbness deepens.


Some people often feel others are smart while others feel others are dumb. Smartness or dumbness is not often determined by sides. Most times, dumb people throw dumbness to everyone else, as in the playbook of critics.

Criticism – most of the way – is dumbness repackaged and responsibility defenestrated.

Understanding is relevant in how smartness navigates, but dumbness convolves into what many would choose.


Though technology was supposed to make smart, it powered mass social media that lets dumbness go wide. Most people hear, see or read there, they sometimes forget about it, but sometimes end up behaving in ways that expresses those actions – without tracing it back there.

Also, most people say stuff as themselves, but often just channeling from that source or acting in ways that blends with what the source would like.

It is important to have internal strength, not just seeking always for the external, but to have this strength to wait a bit or a little, to process things through and properly, before going along the easy, one-way-think option available to all.


Though smartness is far better than dumbness and maybe should not be compared, but smartness at its best is limited. It is possible to be smart, using information available and be wrong. So even at the peak of smartness, it should be understood that limitations abound.

GOD is a Spirit.

This means GOD does not exist in the physical or cannot be seen, or instruments used to find distant physical object cannot be used to find Heaven or see the Almighty GOD.


GOD ways, thoughts and judgement are different.

This means using statements like if GOD loves why suffer – isn’t an expression of that understanding.

Genuine Christianity is what Christ wants, but many combine their Christianity with sin and all kinds of acts. Christianity as an ID is not answering the call to be truly born again.


Everyone can be right in their own eyes, but the Creator of the world, Jehovah Almighty knows all. [Matthew 22:29, JESUS answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of GOD.]

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