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COVID-19: A Myth Or Reality -By Momoh Emmanuel Omeiza & Anase Momoh



Covid-19 pandemic

Frankly speaking, to fully comprehend the thought of COVID – 19 being a myth or a reality, one has to carefully analyse both terms before concluding whether its one or not. However, for the sake of this article, we wouldn’t waste time in defining both terms;  subsequent analyses would give us a better view.

For some time now, the whole world has been battling a common enemy. This invisible enemy as President Donald Trump calls is one without mercy, without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers and without sacred zones. Its ability to achieve its aim rests on the destructive presence of its intention to wipe out the whole universe.


Well, as invisible and subtle as this enemy is, its agenda is just the harvest of death and to wipe out the whole world through chaos and ethical hegemony. This brings us the question whether its a myth or a reality.

What started as a seemingly friendly match on a football pitch has suddenly held the world, doctors, nurses and other health workers to ransom, as there has been no tangible and worthwhile achievement in the struggle to find relevant vaccines to combat the diseases. Several people continue to test positive to the disease, while some others have paid the supreme price of death since they are not well taken care off. Hence the rich and wealthy are also said to be crying as there are no advancements in both science and technology to cure this disease.

Several theories, assumptions and propositions have been brought forward from different perspectives all in an effort to understand the virus and its causes. From the spiritual perspective, others believe that it is a sign that the world is coming to an end, from the technological perspective, some people have proposed it that the effort is caused by the effort of the advanced world to upgrade from the 3G/ 4G technology to the 5G technology.


It is both a myth and a reality because, trust me, it was assumed in the first stage of its discovery that the virus wasn’t real. So many – I mean a lot of people were so nonchalant about the new virus and few others were sceptical.

With time, when media handles and updates from various sources opened up the idea of the naturally acquired virus as deadly, it soon dawned on the whole world that, this is the truest form of what war is. About thousands, if not millions of people have been tested positive. Health workers round the globe are also fighting tooth and nail both in the day and in the night to restore normalcy to the world.

While no one can actually verify these claims and assumptions, it is of paramount importance to note that the whole world is affected even countries with advanced medical cum scientific softwares. Hence, one cannot truly verify that corona virus is a myth or a reality. It is therefore a question of choice and individual mindset.


From my own perspective, it is both a myth and a reality. This is because no one actually believed it will have the effects it does have now. When the virus was first discovered in Wuhan, the central part of China, it started and mild way. Many were of the opinion that it was gonna end probably within a few days. Furthermore, it took a while before a suitable name could be given to the disease. Apart from this, many people never knew it was going to spread round the world. Without mincing words, we are all witnesses to the fact that this ravaging disease has permeated the whole universe including countries that are regarded as world powers.

Well, I would want to believe that like a movie there is an ending to all these. This ending or aftermath is one that will determine a whole lot of things, inventions, ideas, policies as well as strategies. It is best therefore if we can wait to see the concluding lines before we can say without any iota of doubt as to whether COVID -19 is a myth a reality, or a mixture of both.

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