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C’River Assembly Crisis: Ndoma-Egba denies endorsing anyone as Speaker

The statement reads in full: “It has just come to the notice of Distinguished Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba that he is purported to have endorsed Hon. Kingsley Ntui of the Etung State Constituency as the next speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly. This is as contained in a news article making the rounds on social media.



Victor Ndoma-Egba

Former Senate Leader and ex-Chairman of the Board of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Distinguished Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba, SAN, has debunked a story published by an online medium and making the rounds in the social media that he was supporting Hon. Kingsley Ntui to emerge as the next Speaker of Cross River State House of Assembly.

The said story indicated that Governor Bassey Otu and Ndoma-Egba have endorsed Hon. Ntui to replace the embattled Speaker Elvert Ayambem

However, Ndoma-Egba, in a statement released by his media office, refuted the story and urged mischief makers and purveyors of fake news to desist from misleading the public.


The statement reads in full: “It has just come to the notice of Distinguished Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba that he is purported to have endorsed Hon. Kingsley Ntui of the Etung State Constituency as the next speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly. This is as contained in a news article making the rounds on social media.

“For the avoidance of doubt and to set the record straight before the general public, Senator Ndoma-Egba has not endorsed any one to be Speaker of the Cross River State Assembly. He emphatically debunks that story and advise mischief makers to desist from misleading the public.

“To start with, Senator Ndoma-Egba is not a member of the Cross River State House of Assembly and as such cannot determine who should be the Speaker. Secondly, the Senator, like every other well-meaning leader in Cross River State decries the recent developments in the Cross River State House of Assembly and expresses his hope and expectation that the matter will be amicably resolved in a timely manner for the good of Cross River State.


“Thirdly, Senator Ndoma-Egba holds the strong view that Cross River State cannot afford any political crisis in whatever form. Especially during a time in which the State is beginning to enjoy the fruits of the exemplary leadership so far displayed by the State Governor, His Excellency, Senator Prince Bassey Otu, who is vigorously implementing the People’s First agenda that is already yielding positive and tangible results.

“Finally, the former Senate Leader believes that the Governor as the Leader of the State will, together with the honourable members of the House of Assembly, reach an amicable resolution of the issue of the speakership of the Assembly.

“It is therefore very uncharitable for anyone or group of persons to insinuate, let alone publicly announce with such audacity, that Senator Ndoma-Egba has endorsed anyone to be Speaker. The public is therefore advised to disregard any such news in its entirety.”

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