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Democracy & Governance

Describing Nigerian Politics Using George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm -By Mohammed Saleh Gwio

Moreover, just as the animals in “Animal Farm” are manipulated and misled by the pigs’ propaganda and rhetoric, the Nigerian populace is often swayed by promises of change and progress that are not fulfilled, leading to disillusionment and discontent among the masses.



In the context of Nigerian politics, “Animal Farm” by George Orwell can be seen as a poignant allegory that reflects the complexities and challenges faced within the Nigerian political landscape.Just as the animals on Manor Farm overthrow their human oppressors to establish a society based on equality and fairness, Nigeria witnessed movements for independence and the establishment of democratic governance, aiming to liberate the populace from colonial rule and oppression. However, much like in “Animal Farm,” the initial ideals of equality and justice in Nigerian politics often give way to corruption, nepotism, and the consolidation of power by a select few.

The pigs in “Animal Farm” represent the ruling elite who exploit their positions for personal gain, mirroring the actions of some political leaders and elites in Nigeria who prioritize their own interests over those of the people. Moreover, just as the animals in “Animal Farm” are manipulated and misled by the pigs’ propaganda and rhetoric, the Nigerian populace is often swayed by promises of change and progress that are not fulfilled, leading to disillusionment and discontent among the masses.


Overall, “Animal Farm” serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power, corruption, and the erosion of democratic principles, all of which are relevant themes when examining the complexities of Nigerian politics.

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