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Dollarizing our leadership quest… -By Abdullahi O. Haruna

A frightening reality that makes everything very absurd and embarrassing. Dollars for delegates to elect their leaders instead of dollars for manufacturers to import machinery and other forex related realities. Indeed we are a nation that places absurdities on a premium scale and tragically everyone seems to enjoy that because the things that negate common sense are what give us pleasures.



Abdullahi O. Haruna

During APC primaries, they won’t be dollars to give to delegates; trust us, some people are already angry the man is saying; you are one big family with aggregated interest, use your strength to produce a flag bearer amongst you – a win for anyone amongst you is a win for all!

In Kaduna, a man who went to the PDP primary, returned with N12 million – just to elect a flagbearer for his party! Multiply 12 m by the number of delegates pooled from 36 states and the FCT, what you get is what one person pay to delegates to be elected a flagbearer. When he eventually wins maybe, he must recoup his investment, not from those delegates but from you and I who didn’t see a dime from his voting buying largesse. Whatever decisions leaders take have adverse consequences on us as a people and on the polity.

Doling out money to delegates rubbish every sense in the process of electing credible leaders. It renders the exercise bland and uninspiring – and Buhari’s decision to mitigate the pugnacious policy of money politics should be applauded – leaders must never buy their ways to power if indeed aspiration to power is for service and not any other motivated pecuniary interests.


The dollar that was used to choke life out of our naira suddenly became a handy tender for politicians as delegates were stuffed with them as they laughed to the banks after the open market sales of their votes to elect their leaders. This action alone weakens not just the naira but gives smelly legitimacy to the American dollars as the purchasing power of our delegates. The use of the dollars changed from export and import related economies to delegates buying economies. We have no dollars to support imports but we have plenty of it to buy delegates! A frightening reality that makes everything very absurd and embarrassing. Dollars for delegates to elect their leaders instead of dollars for manufacturers to import machinery and other forex related realities. Indeed we are a nation that places absurdities on a premium scale and tragically everyone seems to enjoy that because the things that negate common sense are what give us pleasures.

The APC must never dollarize their primary election to elect their flagbearer like the PDP recently did; it doesn’t show decency but a splashing shame on our collective psyche.

Critically musing

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