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Global Peace: Can We Achieve It? -By Dennis Sunday

We have all gone astray. We’ve crossed the line in search for each other to beat, kill and destroy because they’re not from our divide. We have all hated, treated badly those that are not from our ethnic group, religion, region, race, nation and even social group. We humans have brought down kingdoms just for our lack of forgiveness, greed and glory.



Dennis Sunday
Dennis Sunday


Do you know your enemies? Make peace with them; It only cost your ego. How satisfied are you when someone you classify as your enemy is dead? Be it you killed them or some natural disaster took their life and you interpret it as ‘karma’, what good does that do you, knowing well that it is done. They can no longer feel pain, love, hate nor regret. All of their pain, happiness and whatever they possessed is left behind. Even as life is a field of constant turmoil, that is the end for them. THE DEATH KNOWS NO PAIN. Do you now feel accomplished? Well, you are ignorant of the fact that you have ended their life of the constant struggle and not yours, thus, your life of turmoil and struggles continues.


The only way to manage your life of struggle and turmoil on this part of eternity is to forgive and make peace as that will essentially ease your life. You won’t only endure and survive, you’d thrive. Forgiveness is not that you won’t remember the wrongs, it is that you’d have no pain when you remember, and, the desire for vengeance is gone. “Time heals,” they say, but I tell you, forgiveness does, not time. Mahatma Gandhi, the illustrious pacific Indian leader and champion of pacifism once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” likewise said Nelson Mandela, the renowned anti-apartheit activist and the first democratic president of South Africa, “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” He believed forgiveness is essential for real freedom from self, bring peace and unity.

From the religious perspectives it is encouraged to forgive.

Make peace with people you categorize as enemies. The earth is not a war zone, killing an enemy entails creating more. That path doesn’t end. There is no point in conquering, the earth is big enough for a billion more people. Make the world a better place for everyone, by so doing, you make your life worth it and life itself worth living.


History, when we learn from it can teach us the way of mutual hatred, no end but doom does it leads to. Men, both ignorant and intelligent, strong and weak; kingdoms and empires, both large and small, strong and weak, have been consumed out of anger and reciprocal hatred. The catastrophic world wars resulted from man’s inability to forgive and make peace, rather, he sought vengeance driven by the quest to prove strength and of ego.

We have all hurt each other. We have all gone astray. We’ve crossed the line in search for each other to beat, kill and destroy because they’re not from our divide. We have all hated, treated badly those that are not from our ethnic group, religion, region, race, nation and even social group. We humans have brought down kingdoms just for our lack of forgiveness, greed and glory.

Dostoievski, after seeing the catastrophic result of world War, said, “Man is an animal that can become accustomed to anything.” He’s right. We are all societal construct. Now that there’s need for reconstruction, a rewiring of love, forgiveness, honesty, justice and trust is what we have to give ourselves for. In a world full of dishonesty, hatred and betrayal, only those who can forgive, love and trust can build a bridge and provide a working peace system around the globe. We can not help hurting each other, however, we can be more kinder to each other daily. Without forgiveness, love and trust, we can only lie to ourselves in regards to peace. Forgiveness and mutual cooperation is the answer to our social problems, embrace it.

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