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Hon. Thomas Kwag-Kudi Terfa: A Technocratic Blessing To Makurdi North Constituency -By Hassan Idris

A leader is someone who does more than just lead people. They have to be driven by the right motivation and make a positive impact on the people around them.



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When a society finds itself in the ocean surrounded by genuine, pivotal, honest, and technocratic leaders, there’s the assurance of progression. It’s with no doubt that the mantle of good leadership is manumitting of any ethnic, religious, tribal and sentimental prejudices. There’s no reason for ethnocentrism in the mantle of genuine leadership. A leader is a ladder to progression and not a ruler to retrogression. A ruler rules with every iota of hard-hitting hardship, compulsorily coupled power, while a leader leads with logic, honesty, patience, and the citizens in mind.

A leader is someone who does more than just lead people. They have to be driven by the right motivation and make a positive impact on the people around them.

A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision. Leaders can work toward making their vision a reality while putting people first. Just being able to motivate people isn’t enough — leaders need to be empathetic and connect with people to be successful. Leaders don’t have to come from the same background or follow the same path.


Makurdi North constituency indeed has been showered with a mouth-watering, genuine, hardworking, and trustworthy leader who throws away every ethnic, religious, and sentimental prejudice to bring forth the constituency to standardized and developmental stage. There’s no doubt that Hon. Thomas Kwag-Kudi Terfa of the Benue State House of Assembly is an exemplary leader that best fits Makurdi North Constituency!

However, I’m employing all to learn from an encomium who puts forward development and hard-work to the betterment and development of Makurdi North Constituency.

The legislator is a politician and a Businessman. Hon. Thomas Kwag-Kudi Terfa is a Nigerian politician and Businessman from Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State in North Central Nigeria. He is currently the Legislator representing Makurdi North Constituency of the Benue State House of Assembly and is the Chairman of the House standing committee on Youth and Sports. He had brought much development to Makurdi North Constituency.


Hitherto, he had visited many areas of Wadata community, high-level, and many more for various pivotal and developmental plans and strategies. He donates to the poor during festive period and also makes sure everything move smoothly. He has greater plans for the constituents and the state at large. He pays condolence visits to members of the society who lost their own irrespective of tribe, religion, and political affiliations. There’s no doubt that the legislator is a blessing to his constituents.

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