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If Africa Is That Bad, The West Is Not That Good -By Milton de Castro Mondlane

Africa is better than what most of the world gives it credit for, Africa is better than what most Africans believe, but it can still be so much better if Africans themselves begin to believe it can. 



Milton de Castro Mondlane

I have traveled an uncommon path as a Mozambican, and encountered insights along the way that few fellow Africans are fortunate to confront. The more I contemplate the global twists of my life, the less I vilify Africa’s systemic duplicity and the more I de-glorify the West’s perceived integrity.

Hardship was written on my birth card – I grew up watching kids my age working grueling hours to have a chance at a meal for the day, I attended public schools with one teacher to tend to over 60 students, and I remember so many of them struggling to read one single paragraph.


And then, the corruption! I saw it everywhere; from the many traffic cops I watched asking my mother to fill their covert coffers so they would turn a blind eye to the $2 billion hidden debt scandal involving the sitting and former president that halved growth from 7.7% to 3.3% and increased inflation to 17.4%. No wonder I had so little patriotism left at such a young age!

But then I got a full scholarship to the American International School of Mozambique at fifteen and returned my birth card in exchange for the one I hold to this day – duality. From dawn to early afternoon, I received the best education in the country in the company of the progeny of diplomats, ministers, and the President of the Republic. And from the afternoon to twilight, I returned to the increasingly disappointing reality to which I was born. Same country, different reality!

What that duality card meant, however, was a shot at a full scholarship in the United States. My first stop was at the University of Bridgeport. There, I met political science students who, according to my Intro to the UN professor, selected Barack Obama as a former UN Secretary-General despite Kofi Annan being one of the choices.


That was not the worst! I interned at State Senator Marilyn Moore’s mayoral campaign against the sitting mayor, Joe Ganim. Here is Ganim’s story: He served as mayor for five terms, stole over $500,000 from the city of Bridgeport, was convicted of 16 corruption charges, served seven years in prison, left prison, ran for office again in 2015 and won. As Senator Moore battled against him in 2019, his office was being investigated by the FBI. Guess who won that election…Ganim.

Tell this story to any American, European, or African without context and names. Then ask them if this public servant is American or African. I am confident that we can predict at least 70% of the answers.

Here is more food for thought. Bridgeport’s high school graduation rate is 63%, whereas the city next to it, Fairfield, with $120,000 as the median income, prides itself in a 94% high school graduation rate. Does that ring a bell? Duality? Same state, different reality!


Here I was, a young man from one of the poorest ten countries in the world living in the most powerful country on earth and feeling as though I had been transported to a different version of the same world.

I am drawing these contrasts and parallels because I grew up with a cancer that inflicts most Africans – Inferiority Complex Syndrome. Our parents, reasonably frustrated with their governments, impose upon us that everything is better in the west. And even worse, we condone acts committed by whites that we would easily condemn were they committed by fellow blacks.

It is about time Africans and the rest of the world extended Africans some grace. Mozambique is just about 48 years old. At that age, the United States, a country I deeply love, was facing a constitutional crisis after the “corrupt bargain” in Andrew Jackson’s words resulted in John Quincy Adams being elected over him by the House of Representatives despite Jackson having won the most electoral votes, slavery was still a contentious issue that would only be resolved later by a Civil War that killed about 750,000 soldiers, and most of the country was impoverished with most of the wealth concentrated amongst landowners and other elites.


Now, this is not a concession for continued incompetence but a call for elevated African self-confidence.

Africa is better than what most of the world gives it credit for, Africa is better than what most Africans believe, but it can still be so much better if Africans themselves begin to believe it can. 

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