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Is Alhassan Doguwa A Political Bandit? -By Abdu Abdullahi

Ado Alhassan Doguwa imported maximum brutality into his constituency in a bid to pay full service to his personal ambition. He has won a bail after committing henious acts. Is he now not a security risk? He enjoys majority in the House but is now a minority before the law. Can he escape the wrath of the law? Time will tell.



Alhassan Ado Doguwa

No man is above the law and no man is below it.” Theodore Roosevelt

The first casualty of the law is the lawbreaker, who also breaches the society, the secondary victim. The lawbreaker is a big dealer of crimes. And every society gets the kind of criminals it deserves.

One of the most dangerous politicians of our time is Alhaji Ado Alhassan Doguwa, the House of Representatives Majority Leader. His recurring political ruptures have made him the king of mischief makers instead of servant of the law. He is a bad product of political insolvency and the epitome of poor grading of our lofsided development. He has proved to be the best bastion of a democratic decadence and political infamy. With the recent mayhem that he spearheaded and unleashed on innocent people in his constituency, culminating in deaths and arson, he is like a political bandit of our time.


As a custodian of the law, he could have inspired for peace but demolished it. He lifted his political extremism above his conscience. The most violent element in his political soul was to perpetuate injustice to his own self. Alhassan had more troubles for his visions than his victims. He displayed more angers than restraints to give himself a very bad name. Ado was allegedly found in the act of worshipping for destructions. He is now paying the outrageous price of the victims’ victim.

Alhassan’s politics lacks moral values and standards. It does not offer the human soul dreams and hopes. At the ugly scene of his brutality, he made the law to become an object of gross abuse to satisfy his political undertaking. It was a contest of politics for blood, election for arson. For him, arson was a civil right and law. Violence was justice. Human life was nothing. Apparently, Doguwa had thought that the law was not meant for him but was superior to the law. But Ado is an indefatigable law assasin who must undergo law punishment so that justice lives on and the lower chamber rids itself of undemocratic elements.

Perhaps, Ado thought that he had too many legislative privileges that he could be irresponsible and callous, forgetting other people’s rights, including their right to living and safety. The sign of a good democrat is when he reveres human lives and their properties. Alhassan has more dishonors than honors, culled from the myriad of his persistent recklessness. The opposite of Ado and his representative status are political vendetta to fester his political ambition of being crowned as the next speaker of the House of Representatives. Doguwa never remembered piety before releasing his tyranny against innocent people. 


Doguwa’s pomposity always propels him that he is someone else. His politics is a fraud and blunder; his endless mischief is a vain struggle; his legislative representation a disgrace to the community of democracy, complicated by the pains of crisis of morality. Alhassan’s recent misadventure was devoid of spiritual soul that would control his mind. Rather, he let loose a provocative law of devastations. Ado’s boisterous hostility has always been his potent political weapon and humongous emotions. 

The value of his politics has nothing to do with decency. His political ideas of winning an election are more powerful than the gun. While ex- president Good luck Jonathan epitomised himself as a hero of democracy whose political ambition was not worth the blood of any Nigerian, Doguwa’s wild ambition was worth the blood of Nigerians. In Ado’s efforts to perfect political banditry, there was little food for censorship and much thought for hatred.

The real Ado Doguwa is the unwanted creation of political exurberance. When he changed election to brutalization epic, he thought himself as a hero the same way bandits see themselves as heroes. Doguwa is not more about ‘who’ he is but ‘what’ he is. The who of Doguwa is simply about the majority leader who is now single in a dilemma. But the ‘what’ of Doguwa is more revealing now and of course, it is about absolute lawlessness, for which he must face the music. Surely, the music of the law is subtle and must not be imputed with partiality. 


That horrendous show led by Doguwa on law-abiding citizens did not exhibit the limit of human coercion and brutality. Ado departed from the boundaries of proper to the improper. He did it consciously to create his own dynasty of horrors. While trying to win crimes, he ended up selling his callousness. Forever, Ado cannot compensate the annulled affection of those who are relations of the victims of his terror acts. The real tragedy of Doguwa is the tragedy of his lawlessness as a custodian of law and order. We are now convinced that Doguwa’s politics is governed more by fallacies than realities. The Ado that we have does not recognize a law for himself, a law for his neighbor and a law for his society. Yet, he is handsomely paid from the resources of the country. 

Currently, Doguwa’s representation is a loot to democracy; he has looted democracy of public confidence and trust. He loots the honor of democracy. He has looted the dignity of the House of Representatives. He is a principal officer of the lower chamber charged with murder and arson. Who can chase a lion out of his den? Who can trust an accused majority leader with the throne? The most dangerous creations of democracy are those who have nothing to lose even if the Heavens will fall and Ado is one of them. Doguwa’s character is now a union of law and lawlessness. What a conflict!

By the end of Doguwa’s political banditry, we saw the evils of his personal regime. Alhassan’s philosophy was designed to show terror beginning at home. Charity was expelled to go on exile. As far as common sense is a major player in reconstructing Doguwa, if he is sighted on the seat of law in the lower chamber, let us recall what Martin Luther King Jr told us. ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’. If Alhassan did not follow due law process to atone for the allegations labeled against him, we would be disturbed that justice is for sale and under threat. And nobody can tell us that this democracy has not gone crazy!  


Ado Alhassan Doguwa imported maximum brutality into his constituency in a bid to pay full service to his personal ambition. He has won a bail after committing henious acts. Is he now not a security risk? He enjoys majority in the House but is now a minority before the law. Can he escape the wrath of the law? Time will tell.

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