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JUST IN: I’m prepared for criticisms over Rivers deputy gov race – Tonto Dike

“I have failed in my life, I am not denying that and everybody has seen that. But am I going to fail with leadership? Have I ever failed in leadership? Let’s start with motherhood, I have ever failed in motherhood? Have I ever failed with my Foundation? I think I was one of the Foundations who actually stood up for this country and helped this country in the time of the (COVID-19) pandemic.




Nollywood actress, Tonto Dike, has said she is prepared to be Deputy Governor of Rivers State, noting that she has never failed in leadership.

Dike, a single mother of one, also stated that she is ready to answer questions bothering on the controversies around her.

The actress is the running mate to the governorship candidate of the African Democratic Congress in Rivers, Tonte Ibraye, for the 2023 general elections.


Speaking on Sunday Politics, a current affairs programme on Channels Television on Sunday night, Dike said, “I know that this is controversial but nevertheless, this is the truth: a deputy is a spare tyre and I’m willing to be the best spare tyre every governor or every man had ever had.”

While stating that the ‘King’ in her name is not a title, the thespian admitted that there are issues around the name.

“I know and that is something I’ve never been able really gotten to explain to a lot of people but I think now I have to because I have to take it out for my campaign name and initiative because I don’t want the traditional rulers to think me ahead of them. My ‘King’ comes as a result of my name, as a name gotten from my son. It is not a title in any way or form,” she said.


On critical questions about her personal life that might come from political opponents, Dike stated, “I am prepared for anything, truthfully. I have had three years to work on this.

“It is not something that I just came out or emerged with. We had a lot of time to work on this and for this. Criticism, I am ready; not criticism, I am ready. So, it doesn’t matter where the question is coming from or where it is not coming from.

“I have failed in my life, I am not denying that and everybody has seen that. But am I going to fail with leadership? Have I ever failed in leadership? Let’s start with motherhood, I have ever failed in motherhood? Have I ever failed with my Foundation? I think I was one of the Foundations who actually stood up for this country and helped this country in the time of the (COVID-19) pandemic.


“There was no assistance whatsoever, I did it myself; I did it even more than the government. I did more than Imo State. I did it because I cared. So, I am prepared for whatever criticism it is. I know that it would come.”

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