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Navigating Nigeria’s Challenges: The Role of Solution-Oriented Writing -By Dovish Okojie

Nigerian writers have a significant role to play in shaping the nation’s future and trajectory. While critique is essential for holding those in power accountable, solution-oriented writing takes this responsibility a step further. By proffering practical solutions, writers empower readers, inspire tangible action, facilitate constructive dialogue, and enhance their own influence and credibility.



Dovish Okojie

In a world driven by information and ideas, writers have a unique power to shape perceptions, challenge norms, and inspire action. In recent years, the Nigerian literary landscape has witnessed a surge in discussions about various sociopolitical issues that affect the nation, and Nigerian writers have not shied away from voicing their opinions and concerns. While it is crucial for writers to engage with these issues and raise awareness, there is an increasing need for a paradigm shift towards solution-oriented writing which is crucial for effecting meaningful change. This article explores the significance of solution-oriented writing, delving into why Nigerian writers should shift their focus from mere criticism to actively proffering solutions to the complex challenges faced by the nation.

The Power of the Pen as a Catalyst for Change

Throughout history, the written word has served as a powerful tool for change. Literature, essays, and articles have the potential to shape perceptions, provoke thought, and catalyze action. Nigerian writers, inheriting a rich storytelling tradition, wield the power of the written word to influence public opinion and drive societal transformation. As discussions on issues like governance, economic disparity, ethnic tensions, and inadequate infrastructure intensify, it becomes imperative for writers to not only point out flaws but to also channel their creativity towards envisioning feasible solutions.


The Current Landscape: Identifying the Challenge

Nigeria, like many other countries, grapples with a multitude of challenges. Writers, often considered the conscience of society, play a significant role in shedding light on these issues. However, the dominant narrative tends to be centered around criticism of government’s shortcomings and highlighting problems rather than offering viable solutions. While criticism has its place, an overemphasis on condemnation without suggesting remedies can result in a sense of hopelessness among citizens due to the absence of practical solutions.

Unpacking Solution-Oriented Writing: Why It Matters


1. Empowerment and Engagement:
Solution-oriented writing empowers readers with a sense of agency and actionable insights. Instead of leaving them disheartened by the magnitude of problems, such writing offers practical steps that individuals can take to contribute to positive change. This empowerment encourages active engagement and participation in addressing societal issues rather than passively resigning to their circumstances.

2. Inspiration for Action:
Well-researched and articulated solutions can inspire readers to take action. When writers present viable alternatives, they motivate individuals to channel their energies towards implementing these ideas, either individually or collectively. This can lead to a groundswell of grassroots efforts aimed at solving the challenges at hand.

3. Constructive Dialogue:
Solution-oriented writing paves the way for constructive dialogue between citizens and government officials. By presenting well-thought-out proposals, writers create opportunities for policymakers to engage in meaningful discussions. This dialogue can foster a more cooperative and collaborative approach to problem-solving, rather than perpetuating a cycle of blame.


4. Credibility and Influence:
Writers who consistently provide solutions alongside their critiques enhance their credibility and influence. They position themselves as thought leaders who are not only aware of the problems but are also invested in finding ways to address them. This credibility can lead to broader platforms for advocacy, influence and partnerships with decision-makers.

Navigating Challenges: The Art of Solution-Oriented Writing

While solution-oriented writing offers immense promise, it is not without its challenges. Addressing these challenges head-on is essential for writers to effectively transition from critics to change-makers. Some of these challenges include:


1. Complexity of Issues:
Many sociopolitical issues in Nigeria are deeply complex and multifaceted. Crafting effective solutions requires a nuanced understanding of the challenges, their underlying causes, and potential unintended consequences of proposed remedies. Writers need to invest time and effort in research and analysis to present well-informed solutions.

2. Gathering Accurate Information:
Access to accurate and up-to-date information can be a hurdle. Writers may encounter difficulties in obtaining reliable data due to various reasons including government opacity and lack of transparency. Collaboration with research organizations and experts can help bridge this information gap.

3. Resistance to Change:
Implementing solutions often involves navigating bureaucratic hurdles, resistance from vested interests, and a general reluctance to change the status quo. Writers may encounter skepticism about the feasibility of their ideas. Persistence, collaboration, and strategic advocacy are key to overcoming these barriers.


Shifting the Narrative: How Nigerian Writers Can Lead the Way

To promote a culture of solution-oriented writing among Nigerian writers, several strategies can be adopted:

1. In-Depth Research and Collaboration:
Writers should invest time in thorough research to understand the intricacies of the issues they address. Collaborating with experts, activists, and professionals in relevant fields can enrich the quality of solutions proposed.


2. Concrete Proposals:
Solutions should be practical, actionable, and well-articulated. Writers should provide step-by-step guides, policy recommendations, and innovative ideas that can be readily understood and implemented.

3. Engage Diverse Perspectives:
Solution-oriented writing benefits from a diversity of perspectives. Writers should strive to include voices from different backgrounds, regions, and sectors to ensure comprehensive and inclusive solutions.

4. Advocacy and Amplification:
Writers possess a unique platform to advocate for change. Utilizing social media, public events, and collaborations with media outlets can amplify the reach and impact of proposed solutions.


Nigerian writers have a significant role to play in shaping the nation’s future and trajectory. While critique is essential for holding those in power accountable, solution-oriented writing takes this responsibility a step further. By proffering practical solutions, writers empower readers, inspire tangible action, facilitate constructive dialogue, and enhance their own influence and credibility. Though challenges exist, a concerted effort to engage in thorough research, collaboration, and well-articulated proposals can transform Nigerian writers into architects of positive change. As the nation navigates its sociopolitical challenges, the power of the pen can truly become a driving force for progress.

Dovish Okojie is a Management Consultant and Public Affairs Commentator. He writes from Abuja and can be reached on

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