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Nigeria At 62: The Labour Of Our Heroes Past -By Peter Ojelabi

At this juncture, it should be noted that the struggle for an independent Nigeria started by the motion, this is a period such motion is a dangerous idea for the colonial master, but this people aiming a better Nigeria with courage stood their ground to asked for an independent Nigeria.




Exactly 62 years ago that Nigeria put an end to imperialism. The aroma of freedom perceived across nook and cranny of giant of Africa can not be compared to any delicious meal. The shackles has finally been broken! Freedom at last!

   The radicalistic, patriotic, courageous and fearless agitation earned Nigeria its independent that we are all celebrating today. It should be noted that the motion moved by S.L Akintola in 1957, titled “The Time Has Come to End Imperialism” was what geared Nigeria up towards its independent. Though Chief Antony Enahoro was the first to move such motion for self government in march, 1953, but the motion could not see the light of the day.

At this juncture, it should be noted that the struggle for an independent Nigeria started by the motion, this is a period such motion is a dangerous idea for the colonial master, but this people aiming a better Nigeria with courage stood their ground to asked for an independent Nigeria.


Their expectations was to have a prosperous country that include:

A True democracy

Freedom from colonial government


End to all form of suffering and neglect

Rule of law

National development



Good education

Unity among the ethnics


Respect for human right. e.t.c. 

This were what our heroes past suffered and die for. Yes, freedom is not free! How do we attained it, has the struggle, strive, pain and scarce of our heroes past not been in vain?.

Question arises:


Are Nigeria leader living up to the expectations of our heroes past?.

Are they keep the flag dropped by our heroes past flying?.

Has the labour of our heroes past not be in vain as it is in our National Anthem?.


What is the hope of our heroes past concerning the present situation?.

Is Nigeria much more better than they left it?.

The different between the time of imperialism and now is that, the foreign oppressor has been replaced with indigenous oppressor, True democracy was replaced by opportunistic democracy, the unjustified exploitation by colonial master was replaced by justified exploitation by opportunist indigenous people.


Security: A country where security is only guarantee for few privileges people, where the abduction of school children is the order of the day, A country where the safest place is not safe, where a group of terrorist can attacked presidential guard without any consequence and go ahead boasting about adopting the president.

Education: A country where the budget for education in the last seven years is 7.5%, infanct, the last budget was 5.5%, a country where our university has been locked down over six month now.

Legislative: A country that one arms of government has became a drawing dog, that can neither bite nor bark, only answering to the bidding of Mr president.


Press: Media that suppose to be watch dog to the government according to section 22 of Nigeria constitution is now watched dog.  There is no freedom of the press.The freedom of expression as written in Nigeria constitution is no more guaranteed, or what can we say about government known critics, Daddiyatta sudden disappearance?


As Nigeria is celebrating its 62nd independent, there should be adequate national restructuring


Power should be decentralized back to region (parliamentary system of government)

There should be cut in governance, and make it a part time.

The security architecture should be urgently reform, to improve our security system.



There is nothing wrong in Nigeria project, all what we need is a genuine leader that we compliment the labour and vision of our heroes past so that it will not be in vain. Nigeria is growing and ageing congratulations, I greet us all.

Peter Ojelabi writing from Ogbomoso


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