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Our reasons for demanding Rep Member Jaji’s recall – Zamfara constituents

Sources with direct knowledge of the situation claim that the constituents have been dissatisfied with Jaji’s lack of involvement in the community, inability to draw significant initiatives, and purported misappropriation of money intended for constituency development.



Zamfara state

In an effort to take matters into their own hands, more than 5,000 voters in the Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency have started a recall campaign for Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji, their lawmaker in the House of Representatives.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has received letters from constituents who are unhappy with Jaji’s performance. They accuse him of providing inadequate representation and neglecting to attend to their requirements.

Sources with direct knowledge of the situation claim that the constituents have been dissatisfied with Jaji’s lack of involvement in the community, inability to draw significant initiatives, and purported misappropriation of money intended for constituency development.


The constituents’ dramatic action was prompted by Jaji’s absence from a crucial meeting with stakeholders, which served as the final straw.

In a letter sighted by Vanguard in Abuja, dated May 21, 2024, and addressed to INEC Chairman, Professor Mahmood Yakubu, the constituents outlined their grievances and formally requested the commission to initiate the recall process as provided for in Section 69 of the Constitution.

The registered voters from the constituency, led by Hon. Bello Mahmud and Mustapha Ibrahim, alleged that Jaji’s continued stay in office would be ‘detrimental to the well-being and progress of the constituency.’


INEC has acknowledged receipt of the letter and has promised to verify the signatures and proceed with the recall process if the requirements are met.

Briefing journalists in Abuja, Hon. Bello Mahmud, the Chairman of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency Coalition for Sustainable Democracy, stated that constituents have vowed to see the process through.

He said, “We have notified the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Chairman, Professor Mahmood Yakubu, of the resolve of the people of Kaura Namoda/Birnin Magaji Federal Constituency to recall Hon. Aminu Sani Jaji from the House of Representatives on account of poor representation pursuant to Section 69 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


“We urge eligible voters in the constituency to turn up en masse for this crucial civic exercise. The urgent need to recall Hon. Jaji cannot be overemphasized as he failed woefully to represent his constituency at a time his service is most needed.”

The recall process, if successful, would mark a significant milestone in Nigeria’s democratic history, demonstrating the power of citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable.

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