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Police Enforcement On Lockdown Order: A Call to Service Not Otherwise -By Dauda Fatai



Lockdown Empty street Lagos Nigeria Coronavirus

The Nigeria police force remains the first security agency in Nigeria primarily, it’s saddled with the responsibility of maintaining law and order. Nigeria police force is the most populous police organization in sub Sahara Africa with approximately 371,800-active men and women. Figure extract from

Interestingly, the sudden emergency of COVID-19 pandemic in the world, particularly in Nigeria has faithfully exposed and compel the Nigeria Police Force to re-double its efforts in enforcing COVID-19 stay at home order, the need became native to ensure everybody stay safe without deifying governments orders and directives, as it relates to containment of this deadly virus which is revenging the world without exception or respecter of whatever.

Consequently, the police authority on its own, has begun to retrain and re-orientate his men, particularly, those on COVID-19 task force, owning to the substantial task on the neck of the organization, all to attempt the structure of a highly placed professional and knowledge driven officers whose respect for human rights and dignity would be place on lofty seat in the global space.


Unfortunately, the message of changing the public perceptions on the image of the force, seems worsen, specifically in this trying period of COVID-19 pandemic. As majority perceived it, Nigerians have suffered a lot from the hands of some erring police officers, who portray bad conception on the force.

In recent times, some errant Nigeria police officers have engaged themselves in unprofessional, condemnable, and unresponsive acts towards the Nigeria’s citizens in this trying period of COVID-19 pandemic, which many went on viral. The one of Iwo in Osun state, where two police men were captured assaulting a woman aggressively.

Similarly, another one was an inspector of police in Lagos state who was seen on a viral video joyfully counting extortion money from striving and innocent Nigerians.


Also as a reminder, two police men, was caught, fighting shamelessly in the public, in a bid to separate the duo from aggressively causing grievous hurt on themselves, civilians was caught on scene flogging them mercilessly. Though, reason(s) for their unethical move was yet unknown.

Interestingly, Worthy of commendations were the steps taken by the police authority to ensure that those wayward officers in their numbers were unbiasedly brought to book. Indeed the Inspector General of Police, IGP Muhammad Adamu is capacious, kudos!

So pathetic, another sudden occurrence in Rivers state where a woman police sergeant was reportedly shot dead by a colleague who was reported to be on COVID-19 task force duty in the state. What a saddened and unforgettable incidence! May her soul rest in peace, Amen.


Concurrently, all these occurrences happened in this unusual time of global pandemic.

The erring officers act is becoming very usual, therefore, there’s immediate need to revamp such act in Nigeria public domain.
It’s very important to note that Nigeria police force needs remodeling, this will further straighten the contorted portion of the force. Nigeria police force from origin is made of gallant men and women, whose active service to humanity is their core zeal.

Summarily, in this trying period of deadly Infectious COVID-19 pandemic scourging the world. Police officers are expected to act on professionalism, good conduct, to be more proactive and be civil when dealing with public, as their Interactions, actions and inactions towards the public will not only form public opinion but also subject the force in its entirety to public evaluation. Police organization should be cognizant and aware of the fact that police job is a call to service not otherwise.


However, citizens therefore should adhere strictly to all precautionary measures put in place by governments. Only the excepted people are encourage to go out in execution of their respective essential services with full Identity, while other should stay safe at home. Therefore, making its enforcement (Stay at home order) to be less complicated.

Hence the need for 100% compliance is innate.

Dauda Fatai is a Social Commentator and researcher, He writes from the Ancient city of Ilorin. He can be reached through or 09094673158.

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