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Timeless Truths of Prosperity: What the Ancients Knew -By Ismaheel Taofeeq Adisa

When you make it a habit to help people freely without expectation of reward, it creates a ripple effect. As you sow goodwill, you reap greater opportunities, connections, and resources in turn. Call it karma or the Golden Rule, life has a way of giving back when you give to others.



Ismaheel Taofeeq Adisa

Ever wonder how people prospered thousands of years ago without all the technology and infrastructure we have today? Turns out, our ancestors were smarter than we give them credit for. They understood some timeless truths about prosperity that still apply today.

You’ve probably heard some familiar sayings that have been passed down through the generations. Things like “save for a rainy day” or “the early bird gets the worm.” But there’s more wisdom where that came from. The ancients knew how to live in harmony with the rhythms of life to achieve lasting success and abundance.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the greatest prosperity principles from ancient philosophers, spiritual leaders, and common folk wisdom. These truths have stood the test of time and they continue to serve as a roadmap for living a rich and meaningful life. Our world may have changed a lot, but human nature is the same. So pour yourself a cup of tea, get cozy, and let’s discover what the ancients knew about prosperity.


Live by Principles, Not by Reacting to Circumstances

The ancients knew that living by timeless principles, not reacting to circumstances, was key to prosperity and success.

Principle #1: Focus on what you can control. Don’t dwell on what you can’t. The Stoics knew that you can’t control what happens to you, only how you respond. So focus your energy on your reactions and choices.


Principle #2: Do what you love. The Greeks believed in living purposefully according to your passions and talents. They knew that loving your work leads to mastery, success and prosperity.

Principle #3: Develop self-discipline. The ancients valued self-discipline and restraint. They knew that desires and impulses left unrestrained led to lack of focus and wasted potential. Develop discipline in your habits and actions.

Principle #4: Be adaptable and willing to learn. The ancients saw life as a continuous learning process. Be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Learn from your mistakes and failures. Adapt to changes with an open and willing mindset.


Principle #5: Treat others with kindness and respect. Nearly every ancient philosophy and religion espoused principles of kindness, empathy, and goodwill. How you treat people has a profound effect on your success and prosperity. Spread goodwill.

The keys to prosperity are timeless. Live by principles, not by reacting to circumstances. Focus on what you can control and find purpose and meaning. Develop self-discipline. Remain willing to learn. And spread kindness wherever you go. These truths stand the test of time.

Mastery Comes Through Practice and Patience


The masters of old understood that real mastery takes time and patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids of Egypt. These monumental achievements were accomplished through continuous practice and perseverance over generations.

To become highly proficient at anything, you must be willing to put in the necessary reps. Think of mastery like a ladder, and each practice session is one rung. Over days and weeks, you climb higher and higher. Don’t expect overnight success; instead, focus on incremental progress.

The ancients also knew the power of apprenticeship. Find a mentor or join a community of like-minded practitioners. Learn from those further along the path. Study the techniques and approaches of the masters. Imitate, then innovate.


Another secret is start with fundamentals. Don’t skip over the basics in pursuit of flashy tricks. Build a solid foundation, then advance step-by-step. The ancients were meticulous in mastering fundamentals.

Finally, mastery requires an attitude of lifelong learning. The masters of old never stopped honing their craft. They understood that mastery is a journey, not a destination. There are always new skills to acquire and ways to refine your technique.

With practice, patience, mentorship, focus on fundamentals, and a commitment to continuous self-improvement, you too can achieve mastery in your chosen skill or craft, just as the ancients did. Success may not happen overnight, but through steady progress over time, you will ascend to new heights.


Serve Others Generously

To find true prosperity and success, look to the wisdom of the ancients. One timeless truth they understood well is the importance of serving others generously.

When you make it a habit to help people freely without expectation of reward, it creates a ripple effect. As you sow goodwill, you reap greater opportunities, connections, and resources in turn. Call it karma or the Golden Rule, life has a way of giving back when you give to others.


Some ways to serve generously include:

-Volunteer your time or skills for a good cause in your local community. Whether it’s feeding the homeless, teaching kids to read, or cleaning up parks, your efforts make a difference.

-Perform random acts of kindness each day. Things like paying for the order of the person behind you in the drive-thru, mowing your neighbor’s lawn, or giving an encouraging word to a stranger. These small acts spread more joy than you realize.


-Share your knowledge and mentor others. If you’ve developed expertise in your field or hobby, help up and coming individuals by offering guidance and advice. Your time and experience can change their lives.

-Donate money or unwanted items to charities and people in need. While the amount matters, the intention behind your giving is most important. Do it to lift others up, not for recognition or reward.

When you serve generously, life opens up in incredible ways. New opportunities arise, you build a network of connections, and gain insights that propel your own prosperity. While the ancients understood this well, it remains a timeless truth for good reason. When you help others up the mountain, you get closer to the top yourself. Choose to serve generously, and unlock the success and abundance that follows.


Find Meaningful Work That Adds Value

The ancients knew that meaningful work which provides value to others is essential for prosperity and well-being. When your work aligns with your core values and skills, and fills a need in the world, you gain a sense of purpose that fuels motivation and happiness.

Find work you care about


Seek out work that stirs your passions and talents. The ancients believed that everyone has a calling that utilizes their innate gifts. Your work should tap into what intrinsically motivates you, not just what pays the bills. Whether you have a job or run your own business, find ways to cultivate more meaning and purpose in what you do each day.

Provide value to others

Prosperous people in ancient times understood that work which benefits others leads to the greatest rewards. Ask yourself how you can better serve people through your work. Look for needs that aren’t being met and skills you have that could fill them. The more value you provide, the more prosperity will flow back to you.


Master your craft

Becoming highly skilled at your work was greatly respected in ancient cultures. Mastery of a craft, trade or profession commanded higher pay and status. Never stop improving your knowledge and abilities. Continuous learning and perfecting your craft will make your work more meaningful and valuable to others.

Find the right work-life balance


While the ancients believed in working with diligence and passion, they also knew that rest and leisure are vital. Your work will be more meaningful and purposeful when you take good care of yourself. Maintain a balanced routine that also makes time for relationships, experiences, and rejuvenation. Your prosperity depends on both your work and your well-being.

The principles of meaningful work, value to others, mastery and balance that the ancients held dear still ring true today. Follow their timeless wisdom, and you’ll find work that is purposeful and prosperous.

Take Care of Your Body, Mind and Spirit


Your body, mind and spirit are deeply connected. What affects one part of you, affects the whole. The ancients knew this well and cultivated practices to nourish all three.

Take Care of Your Body

Your physical health impacts everything else. Eat a balanced diet, exercise and get enough sleep. The ancients ate simple, unprocessed foods and performed physical labor, keeping them in shape. While we have more leisure time now, make an effort to move your body daily through walking, yoga or sports. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night is also vital for wellbeing and productivity.


Treat your body with care. It’s the only one you have.

Feed Your Mind

Reading, learning and expanding your mind was highly valued by the ancients. They passed knowledge between generations through stories and philosophy.


Make time for reading and learning each day. Read books, listen to educational podcasts, take an online course on a subject that interests you. Keep your mind active and curious. Solve crosswords or brain teasers. Engage in thoughtful conversation with others.

An active, engaged mind will serve you well.

Nurture Your Spirit


However you describe your spiritual or inner life, nurturing it leads to a sense of purpose and connection. The ancients cultivated spiritual practices like meditation, prayer and contemplation.

Spend time each day focused inward. Meditate, pray or journal. Reflect on your life and goals. Express gratitude for what you have. Spend time in nature. Do things that fill you with a sense of meaning or joy.

Your inner world shapes your outer experience. Care for your spirit and it will care for you.


The timeless truths of the ancients remind us to nurture ourselves in body, mind and spirit. Make your wellbeing a priority and you’ll have greater clarity, vitality and prosperity.


After reading about the timeless wisdom of prosperity from ancient philosophers and leaders, you now have some powerful principles to apply in your own life. While the world has changed in many ways, human nature remains the same. The keys to success and abundance that worked centuries ago will still work today. So focus on virtues like courage, justice, moderation, and wisdom. Develop good habits and discipline. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Be willing to learn and grow every day. Success is a journey, not a destination. Apply these truths, stay determined, and you’ll find prosperity in all areas of your life. The ancients knew the way – now it’s up to you to walk the path.

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