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Unsympathetic Government of Kaduna State -By Com. Yusuf

The main motivators of the Economy of a particular state is the Civil servants, if they are paid well and on time, their will be good economy, but the reverse is the case if it turn the other way round. Many of the civil servants are suffering today because the salary is either slashed or not paid at when due, that Many have to borrow to pay back. Hardship upon hardship.



Mallam Nasir Elrufai

In 2015, it was just all about change mantra and many of us are tired with the corrupted government of then, came up the current Government with Mallam Nasir elrufai being the frontier of it in kaduna state. We all thought,he and his cohorts will wipe our tears and bring the Everlasting smiles on our faces.

Though the first tenure was quite good with different kind of construction and renovation. But I am still trying to get where did we go wrong after the 2019 election when the real face of the hypocrites began to surface.

People’s land and property where demolished in the name of making kaduna Great with no mercy. Lands were grabbed from people and given to family friends. Even the demolished markets which are supposed to be built and given back to owners were also sold back to them. The level of insecurities happening in kaduna state was treated with leize afaireze attitude because the Government is only after it’s pocket. Many families loss their loved ones and nothing is being done to even compensate them. The recent one that baffled me is the slain general in Borno whose family are here In kaduna, not until the Governor of Borno state came to pay a condolence visit to the family and helped them with 20million naira, that’s when the Kaduna government now decide to give the family 2million as their own support.


It’s quite known that that the Economy of a country is being regulated by the government through making ease of trade and sales. What do we have today in kaduna state; many cannot cope with the Economy because of the high Capitalist practice of Economy of the Government in kaduna State. The main motivators of the Economy of a particular state is the Civil servants, if they are paid well and on time, their will be good economy, but the reverse is the case if it turn the other way round. Many of the civil servants are suffering today because the salary is either slashed or not paid at when due, that Many have to borrow to pay back. Hardship upon hardship.

The Kaduna if which know before has being stolen away from us, forget it that roads are being constructed but it’s only and mainly in KD/North and Zaria, what about other Local Governments. Even the road been constructed are done on wickedness because many peoples property will either be destroyed or grabbed.

A Government that don’t respect the Rule of Law will never be successful, that’s the government we have in kaduna State. Some months aho about 4000 local Government workers were just laid off from their job to an extent that it cause the death of a local Government worker in Zaria LG, when the labor Union took the matter with hardness that they even protested and the Federal ministry of Labour Wade into the matter and give a final decision after collecting and hearing of reports from both parties that Gratuity and redundancy act should be implemented by the Kaduna state government, till now none of it has been carried out.


If I continue to write,I think alot more will still come.

We should be very cautious, this world is temporary, we shall meet with our Lord some day to give account of all we’ve done here on Earth. What will it profit a man to die and people will jubilate and celebrate your death instead of being cried that a person is loss.

May God help us.

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