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Youthful Promise: A Cautionary Tale -By Shalom Kasim

It is important, therefore, to exercise caution when assessing the potential outcomes of a cabinet composed of young and inexperienced individuals. While they may possess tremendous promise and exude a genuine desire to effect positive change, the complexities of governance demand more than just youthful energy.




In the annals of history, numerous instances bear witness to the allure of young leaders and their chosen advisors, who appeared poised to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity. From ancient civilizations to modern democracies, the allure of youthful promise has captured the imagination of societies longing for change. However, as the pages of time turn, it becomes evident that age alone does not guarantee triumph, and the pitfalls of inexperience and misjudgment can cast a shadow on even the most promising endeavors. It is within this context that we explore the cautionary tale of a leader who entrusted the reins of power to a group of young individuals, only to witness their collective failure and the consequences that ensued.

In the world of politics, the selection of young and dynamic advisors to form a cabinet can be seen as a bold move, signaling an intention to break away from established norms and breathe new life into governance. The allure of fresh perspectives, unencumbered by traditional ways of thinking, can be irresistible, fostering a sense of optimism among both the leader and the populace. Such was the case when Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba State appointed 21 youthful nominees as members of the state’s Executive Council, igniting a wave of anticipation and hope for transformative change.

These nominees, chosen from diverse backgrounds and armed with impressive portfolios, bring with them a palpable sense of energy and ambition. Their youthful enthusiasm hold the promise of innovation, progressive policies, and a departure from the status quo. As the Taraba House of Assembly cleared these individuals after meticulous screening, the stage is set for a new era in the state’s governance.


However, as history has shown time and again, youth, while an asset, is not an infallible guarantee of success. The weight of responsibility and the intricacies of governance can prove to be formidable challenges, even for the most talented and well-intentioned individuals. Inexperience can give rise to missteps, and a lack of deep-rooted understanding of complex political dynamics may lead to miscalculations and unforeseen consequences.

Moreover, the idealistic fervor that often accompanies youthful leaders and their advisors can sometimes clash with the practical realities of governance. The process of translating visionary ideas into tangible actions requires astute decision-making, adept negotiation skills, and an understanding of the intricate web of interests that permeate political landscapes. The absence of these qualities, often cultivated through years of experience, can leave even the most promising young minds vulnerable to the challenges that lie ahead.

It is important, therefore, to exercise caution when assessing the potential outcomes of a cabinet composed of young and inexperienced individuals. While they may possess tremendous promise and exude a genuine desire to effect positive change, the complexities of governance demand more than just youthful energy. It is a delicate balancing act, where the interplay of wisdom, pragmatism, and the ability to navigate the intricacies of power are essential.


As we delve into the annals of history, we are reminded of numerous instances where the optimism surrounding young leaders and their advisors was met with disappointment. The French Revolution, with its appointment of youthful and inexperienced ministers under King Louis XVI, serves as a poignant reminder of the perils that can arise when the weight of governance rests on the shoulders of those ill-equipped to shoulder its responsibilities.

While the nominees in Taraba State may indeed possess the passion, talent, and potential to make a positive impact, let us not rush to conclusions. Instead, let us observe with a discerning eye, recognizing that the road to effective governance is fraught with challenges and that experience, tempered with youthful vigor, often forms the cornerstone of lasting success. Only time will reveal whether the promise of youth can be translated into meaningful and sustainable change for the people of Taraba State.

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