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Four Biblical and Practical Ways To Stop a Gossip -By Ifeoma Samuel






Gossips are everywhere. We have them in the workplace, in the church, in the neighbourhood, in our families, etc. If you have been a victim of malicious lies or rumours, you will understand how much of an emotional drain walking through it could be.

A gossip can ruin a life, a home, a marriage, a career, a ministry or a good relationship.


It is dangerous to listen to, process, absorb and act on hearsay.
The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. – Proverbs 18:8.

I can’t figure out why but some people derive absolute pleasure discussing mostly bad stuff about others and not caring how much damage this can cause. (Check out Proverbs 26:4).

Either the gossip twists his/her victim’s words so s/he earns a favour from you or the gossip says demeaning things about you because they feel you are better than them. So what better way to get under your skin than spread a scandal?


Can you really avoid a gossip?

Just maybe there are a few biblical ways to curb this menace, but as hard as it is getting everyone to like you the same way, it is just as difficult getting people to stop saying negative things about you.

→ Don’t entertain hearsays: Avoid known gossips, don’t hang around them, just keep moving. Politely say you are not interested and change the conversation. Trust me this works; the gossip won’t stop by again.


He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips. – Proverbs 20:19.

→ Don’t be a gossip: You don’t want rumours about you, right? Do yourself a favour, don’t chitchat about other people.

Consequently, you can choose to ask why in the presence of the tale bearer. That way the real perpetrator will be exposed. Either the talebearer is up to no good or the accused is guilty or simply quoted out of context. Complicated, isn’t it?
You become a gossip every time you listen to one.


If you have no solutions to someone’s problems, let them be. Keep it to yourself and mind your business.

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD. – Leviticus 19:16.

→ Confront the situation: If you can’t let it slide by assuming you heard nothing then there is no need to despise someone whom you are not sure actually said those nasty things.


Consequently, you can choose to ask why in the presence of the tale bearer. That way the real perpetrator will be exposed. Either the talebearer is up to no good or the accused is guilty or simply quoted out of context. Complicated, isn’t it?

Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. – Proverbs 26:20.

→ Don’t Share Too Much Information: Limit the information you give others especially if it is something you don’t want others to know about. Make sure it is absolutely necessary and is meant for the right ears.


A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. – Proverbs 11:13.

Chime in, friends have you ever been caught up in a gossip? What did you do?

By His Grace,


Ifeoma Samuel

Ifeoma Samuel is an author, blogger and speaker at women’s conferences. She uses her writings to share everyday life stories about God’s immense love, and is the author of My 30 Days Journey To a Fulfilled Life. Visit her blog Purposeful And Meaningful and you can follow her on Pinterest|Google+|Facebook

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