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BREAKING NEWS: Woman collapses, dies at Mile 2 Bridge

The incident drew a crowd of onlookers who were deeply saddened by the unfortunate turn of events. The identity of the deceased woman remains unknown as authorities work to notify her family and investigate the circumstances surrounding her untimely demise.



Woman collapsed and die in Mile 2 Bridge

In the early hours of today, Monday, an incident unfolded at the Mile 2 Bridge area of Lagos State, as a yet-to-be-identified woman collapsed and died.

Eyewitnesses reported that the woman was walking across the bridge when she suddenly collapsed.

By the time anyone could reach her, she had passed away.


A commercial motorcycle (okada) rider, who shared his account with Vanguard, said: “She was about to get on a motorcycle when she suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground. Initially, I thought it was a simple fall, but it became evident that something was terribly wrong when she stopped breathing.”

The incident drew a crowd of onlookers who were deeply saddened by the unfortunate turn of events. The identity of the deceased woman remains unknown as authorities work to notify her family and investigate the circumstances surrounding her untimely demise.

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