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Article of Faith

Celebrating Islamic New Year: Unity Amidst Challenges -By Shalom Kasim

As we celebrate the Islamic New Year, let us embrace our unique circumstances, cherishing the diversity that defines us as a nation. Despite the challenges we have faced, we remain resilient, optimistic, and united. Together, we can surmount any obstacles that come our way, forging a brighter future for Nigeria. As we pray for our leaders, the tribunal, and the stability of our nation, let us live by our national pledge, upholding the unity and progress of Nigeria above all else.



Muslim, moon, Islam

As the Islamic New Year dawns upon us, it is a time to reflect, celebrate, and unite as a nation, embracing our unique circumstances. In the midst of recent challenges, such as the removal of fuel subsidies by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the cash and inflation issues stemming from the February declaration of old notes as illegal tender which lasted a few weeks, we find solace and hope in the spirit of this auspicious occasion. Let us come together, rise above political divisions, and renew our commitment to our beloved country, Nigeria, as our national pledge reminds us.

With President Tinubu’s inauguration, a wave of change has swept through the nation, signaling a new chapter in our history. Although the removal of fuel subsidies might have initially caused unrest and uncertainty, we must recognize that such decisions are made with the long-term growth and development of our nation in mind. It is an opportunity for us to adapt, find innovative solutions, and build a stronger economy for generations to come.

The recent cash and inflation issues resulting from the transition to new notes were undoubtedly disruptive. However, as resilient Nigerians, we have weathered storms before and emerged stronger. Let us remember that unity and cooperation are key in times of difficulty. By standing together, supporting one another, and having faith in our collective ability to overcome challenges, we can navigate these obstacles and ensure a brighter future for all.


In the wake of the general elections held just a few months ago, it is natural for political differences to persist. However, on this joyous occasion, let us rise above party lines and put the interests of our nation first. The time for divisiveness has passed, and now is the moment to unite, heal, and work towards a shared vision of progress and prosperity.

While the election tribunal continues its proceedings, it is crucial for us to uphold the principles of justice and fairness. Regardless of political affiliations, we must have faith in the judicial process and respect its outcomes. Let us remember our national pledge, which calls for loyalty to our country and not just to parties or individuals. Together, we can demonstrate the true essence of democracy and set an example for the world.

As we celebrate the Islamic New Year, let us embrace our unique circumstances, cherishing the diversity that defines us as a nation. Despite the challenges we have faced, we remain resilient, optimistic, and united. Together, we can surmount any obstacles that come our way, forging a brighter future for Nigeria. As we pray for our leaders, the tribunal, and the stability of our nation, let us live by our national pledge, upholding the unity and progress of Nigeria above all else. Happy Islamic New Year!

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