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Article of Faith

Christianity, Discipline, Teenagers, Lawless Countries & Development -By Nneka Okumazie



Fighting senators

Choice people are really disciplined people, not those great at correcting others, but those that have a line they don’t cross, no matter the pressure, pain, pleasure or privacy.

Lots of people mock the discipline of others, or find it comedic, but many of the problems of the world would have been avoided, assuming most people were disciplined.

It is easy to tell others to do whatever they want, until someone else does something terrible that affects them.


In fact, an easy way to spot what to run away from is where – in terms of speech, thoughts or behavior – someone says anything goes.

Wherever anything goes, it keeps going down, and worse.

For example, a lawless society is a sweet place to get away with a lot of things, but the society is often unfair with high selfishness, replications and persistent backwardness.


There are no steps forward with any lawless act.

Discussing discipline is hated, in part because many are attached and have justifications for their action – often inspired by what they saw or heard.

But this is not the case for choice people, refusing to deviate – in words or actions, going against the wind of trendy freedoms.


For them, it is to know right and wrong, regardless of sweet coating. It is also to know that any lack of discipline is costly to people, born or unborn.

It is also to know that discipline should be enforced.

For children and teenagers, they should be made aware of the benefits, with encouragements and vision of life.


For example, to have money is good, but be careful of what is done to get it.

Also, friends are fine, some may find one funny, some are fun to everyone or want to be cool, some seem more privileged, some give into peer pressure, but if anything goes wrong, you will be alone.

There are things to continue to remind the self and others as it seem like the world continues to slide farther and farther away from normal.


On a stratum, there is discipline, deviation and negative dedication. Negative dedication follows after recurrent deviation and it seems an individual becomes vulnerable at any point.

For those in the Christian Faith, it is always important to watch and pray, including for mercy – relentlessly.

If everyone knows the eventual cost of most deviations, everyone would be circumspect.

[Luke 16:28, For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.]

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