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Article of Faith

Christianity, Sugar, Politics, Drug, Alcohol & Addiction -By Nneka Okumazie

This standard of true Christianity has sometimes made many to nominally be a part of it, but doing other stuff for good feeling.
Those who oppose the Faith, sometimes, is not a result of unanswered questions, or not finding wisdom greater than all human philosophy combined – in the Scriptures, it is because they are asked to do things not just opposed to – common – human sensibility, but opposed to sweetness.



Sometimes, it is not about food, but eating for delight. It is possible to eat what should be a satisfactory quantity, but not be satisfied.
There are other variants of this, with movies, music, location, device, words, drinks, money, etc. There are things that just feel so good, it is wanted most times.

This good feeling may cancel worries, fears, or make the mind feel refreshed. There are substances – sometimes, that bring some or all of these to bear, becoming addictive compulsive.

Usually, in products, or other kinds of consumptions, there is sometimes the goal to make people like it, via perception, feeling, experience, status, memory, or whatever else they target.


This is like bringing the drug effect to situations.

For most, the measure of many things is to measure it with how people want more of it.
They create demand by taking advantage of the likeness effect.

Anything that does not come close may sometimes seem less or unwanted.


For people, sometimes, it is possible to measure anything else with the feeling of sweet. This is why it is difficult at times to be ascetic, get through some work, or much else.

But one common area that is anti-drug, literally and figuratively is genuine Christianity.

The Sermon on the Mount is like everything that should make one feel good, physically, do the opposite.


This standard of true Christianity has sometimes made many to nominally be a part of it, but doing other stuff for good feeling.
Those who oppose the Faith, sometimes, is not a result of unanswered questions, or not finding wisdom greater than all human philosophy combined – in the Scriptures, it is because they are asked to do things not just opposed to – common – human sensibility, but opposed to sweetness.

GOD is a Spirit.

It is possible to find many parts of genuine Christianity difficult to believe, accept, or follow.


But they are towards accepted worship requested – while living on earth.

Loving Jehovah Almighty with everything and neighbors as self is not to feel good afterwards, but in obedience to the Creator, whose inextinguishable wealth – humans are a part of. [Psalm 77:16, The waters saw Thee, O GOD, the waters saw Thee; they were afraid: the depths also were troubled.]

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