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Coronavirus: Christianity Political Activism and Has the World Changed? -By Nneka Okumazie



Spanish flu 1983

Has the world really changed? Are the measures of a better and changing world focused on pointers of ease and efficiency – rather than on common patterns of mind and behavior?

Are there – meekness – differences on how the world responds to current problems, from how previous generations did?

Is there much focus on facilities, but less and less on character transcendence?


How much of collective selflessness can the world measure?

How much of malice is exciting for potential tragedy on enemies, but lots of empathy for friends?

How is bitterness deciding how people speak or act? How has wickedness and evil deepened?


Humanity has had accelerated progress over centuries, but goodness, rectitude and humility didn’t become as widespread.

There are often pockets of goodness, but the world has – in some categories – stayed the same.

For example, politicians are often believable, especially those who rise after a situation of failure.


Politicians are group hope.

People sometimes plug personal disappointments into hope and happiness of some individual, who seem like would be great.

But, recent history and beyond have shown that politicians mostly become disappointments.


It is easy to see some failed leader as the problem, or worse than the last, or assume a new individual is the destination sailor.

Time, however, often showed what mistake many became.

Yes, there are a few leaders of destiny, in places and from time to time. It is good to want a great and extraordinary leader.


But the game of criticism against a leader is a bad marathon.

Already, it is risky to put so much hope in another human being, no matter who they are, or what they say, let alone to hope on one in charge of governance – with pull from all kinds of interests.

Some people have always wanted genuine Christianity to become political activism vehicle, and often disappointed when it’s not.


NO, the fear and trembling Christian is seeking to be filled – more – by the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, because of all kinds of factors that steal, kill, and destroy.

So it is not possible, to look unto JESUS, the Life, and get carried away by one leader or administration that has become a disappointment, or to automatically assume the next one would be the savior.

Yes, hope is great, and better should be desired.


However, it should be done circumspectly.

Also, hope towards Heaven – with holiness, away from the earth with all kinds of mysteries – should be the ultimate. [1 Kings 8:50, And forgive Thy people that have sinned against Thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against Thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them:]

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