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Engaging the demand of discipline for success! -By David Oyedepo



Engaging the demand of discipline for success By David Oyedepo

Engaging the demand of discipline for success! -By David Oyedepo


Welcome to your regular column. So Welcome to your regular column. So far, in the first week, I explained what success and spiritual empowerment are.

Last week, we examined three scriptures that graphically illustrate the place of spiritual empowerment in commanding our unending exploits. This week, we shall be looking at Engaging the demand of discipline for success. God’s plan and purpose for the redeemed are to enjoy unending success.


Understand that God’s success plan is not a promise, but a covenant. This implies that until our part is adequately played, God is not committed to deliver. The Bible says: My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. (Psalm 89:34).

Therefore, we must be conscious of our role in the covenant of success. For instance, we understand from scriptures that when we diligently hearken to Biblical instructions and observe to do all that God commands, supernatural breakthrough is usually the outcome. When the covenant is broken, breakthrough becomes impossible (Deuteronomy 28:1-2; Ecclesiastes 10: 5-18). However, there are certain demands that qualify us for our birthright of success, and one of such is the demand of discipline.

What Is Discipline?


Discipline is possessing a sense of mission in the pursuit of any task: It is a strong dedication to a well-defined goal. Apostle Paul said, “Woe is me if I preach not the gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9:16).

It is operating as demanded, not as convenient: It is a task that determines the kind of approach we put into it. For instance, Nehemiah and the people never took off their clothes except for washing. They were on duty as demanded by that task. Also, Daniel and his companions purposed in their hearts not to defile themselves with the king’s rich food. Therefore, we cannot make the most of any task that does not make a specific demand on our lives (Nehemiah 4:23; Daniel 1:8).

It is setting order to one’s life pursuit: This means being where we should be at the right time, and doing the right thing. For instance, at the time when kings go to battle, David tarried in Jerusalem and he met his waterloo in Bathsheba. He paid dearly for it, but mercy prevailed for him. (2 Samuel 11:1-2) We must recognise that it takes highlevel discipline to maximise our adventure on the earth. No one will ever be more distinguished than he is disciplined.


It is also making the most of one’s time: Time is the most precious asset of every disciplined man, and whatever robs us of our time has robbed us of our best in life. As it is written: Redeeming the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). We must budget our time the same way we make budget for our money. Moreover, just like money is squandered when it is not budgeted, when our time is not budgeted, it’s bound to be squandered. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of America, a believer, once said, “Dost thou love life?

Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” Time is not just in years, but in months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. So, we must constantly put value into our time, by investing it. Interestingly, time is an asset of equality and every living being has an equal share. However, what each one does with his time determines the outcome of his life.

That means we have equal opportunity to make the most of our journey, if we choose to. We must recognise that discipline is not a gift, but a lifestyle of choice we design and submit to. This is because no one will ever be more distinguished in his pursuit, than he is disciplined. Moreover, nothing triggers the potential within us like self-discipline (Genesis 39:9, 41:15-44; Daniel 1:8, 17-20, 6:10-28). Friend, accessing success via discipline is the preserve of those born again.


If you are set for it, please say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. From today, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now I know I am a child of God.” I will conclude this teaching next week.

Every exploit in life is a product of knowledge. For further reading, please get the following books: Exploring The Secrets Of Success and Success Strategies. We shall be celebrating Christmas on December 25, 2014. Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season! I wish you and your family Happy Christmas! I invite you to come and fellowship with us at the Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota, the covenant home of Winners. We have four services on Sundays, holding at 6:00 a.m., 7:35 a.m., 9:10 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. respectively. I know this teaching has blessed you.

Write and share your testimony with me through:


Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land, Ota, P.M.B. 21688, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria; or call 7747546- 8; or E-mail:


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