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Economic Issues

Excess loamy less famine: Why the Seme Smuggling will not end -By Kareem Itunu Azeez

It is however unfortunate that for past four months alone, over a million metric tons of rice have been smuggled into Nigeria, that is equivalent to about 20,000,000, bags of 50kg rice, that’s a whopping revenue been disbursed in the most useless form of manner…



Pic 5. Inspection of Smuggled Items in Lagos

To encourage local goods, and increase self reliance in terms of sustainable foods and development goals, the country has gone ahead to ban and shut her doors against illegal smuggling of goods into the country, and Nigeria a country of about 4000, landsaquare kilometers, with over 1400illegal routes where the iron hands of security are yet to reach, might need real effort and discouraging reasons why this smuggling should end.

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