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“Igbos Are Not United” -By Rees Chikwendu



Rees Chikwendu

You have heard this so many times from Nigerians: “Igbos are not united,” they taunt. But, is it true that Igbos are not united? If it seems true to you, who exactly is united in Nigeria? I would not answer this question of who is united but would like anyone interested to make historical research of Nigeria’s social and political landscape. Find out which nations in Nigeria were known to have a penchant for social and political acts of violence before, during, and after the country’s independence, then come to debate me on that.

I know that Mazi Azuka Onwuka has extensively and factually debunked that narrative of “Igbos are not united” so many times, but I would still add a different perspective to it. We must continue to expose the hollowness of the Nigerian demonizing tactics.

First, I want you to understand that if there is anything resembling unity in any ethnic nation of Nigeria, its elites would not harp on about the one-Nigeria nonsense. Nigeria is glutted with agitations – from all of its ethnic nations. Of course, some want you to believe that there are ethnic groups more united than others – but that is a mirage. If there is any form of unity from any ethnic group in Nigeria the country would not be the shit and hell hole it is today.


Second, different forms of energy exist in nature. It can be nuclear, chemical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, radiant, etc. They are all unique forms of energy. The way the chemical energy in the tiny molecules of coal is connected is not the same as that of gasoline, natural gas, or wood. But they all achieve their purpose in nature if used correctly. It is the chemical energy in wood that changes into thermal energy and radiant (light) energy to warm your home and cooks your food. Some energy forms are made of atoms that exist in what can be perceived as chaotic – but a unique nature that serves its purpose.

Sometimes the form of one energy can appear calmer than the other but does not make one better than the other. The problem would be using energy for the wrong purpose. Consider water that may appear calm and peaceful. Water still possesses powerful hydroelectric energy when it’s in motion or flows over a waterfall. Apply heat to water, its molecules become chaotic but get water to its boiling point for your tea.

To expect water to behave like gasoline is madness. It is impossible. Would you consider water as a compound more united than gasoline or say the bonds of one form of energy are weaker than the other therefore something is wrong with the energy form with weak bonds? That too is madness. Understand: there is nothing wrong with something that exists in its natural or organic form. What would be wrong is using energy for the wrong purposes, for example, using the energy trapped in uranium to create a nuclear bomb could be considered the wrong purpose. Another thing that could be wrong is to use energy in the wrong environment or introduce foreign substances that can weaken and/or trigger it to react differently from its organic form.


Similarly, there is nothing wrong with the Igbos. They are existing in their organic form. Nigeria is everything that is wrong with the Igbos. Nigeria is the wrong environment, metaphorically speaking, to introduce that energy that exists in its organic or pure form. Nigeria is the wrong purpose of using energy. Imagine using water for aviation fuel. That is a wrong use of energy. It would be a disaster. Nigeria is everything wrong with every ethnic nation trapped in it. Remove them from Nigeria and they would become the best of themselves. European nations today exist in their organic forms that is why they are not killing one another. Likewise, the nations trapped in Nigeria can become the best of themselves minus Nigeria.

Historically, Igbos are the most united group in Nigeria. The only time the Igbos engaged in violence was in self-defense of their homeland. The enemy brought war to them. It was a reaction against the Nigeria-British genocide that attempted to wipe them out. The Igbos have never fought a war or conquered anyone besides the Nigerian genocidal war.

If you say that there is a gap between the small Igbo political elites and the rest of the Igbos, that is correct. Their greedy political elites are merchants who are interested in the fill of their pockets. But to say Igbos are not united is utterly false. Show me any group in Nigeria where their elites are united with their citizens and I would then provide you with facts that point otherwise. Where in the world are the political elites truly united with their people? Did you not see what happened in the last US elections? So, I would say to those who are ignorant and/or brainwashed by the Nigerian false narrative against the Igbos to read up and be informed. The worse thing that could happen to someone is implicit bias. Self-hate is destructive.


Rees Chikwendu

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