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Educational Issues

Ignorance Is More Expensive -By Dauda Musbau

To validating how important and significant education is, I will love to quote an exemplary leader and scholar in the field of education; prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he said “seek for knowledge as far as China is concerned”. When he says knowledge, he does not limit you to any field. You can be a scholar in mathematics, physics, English, or whatsoever.



Dauda Musbau

When someone say ignorance beside you, what kind of thoughts run race in your mind? What type of people do you picture and project? It’s going to be uneducated, right?

Yes, ignorance is being uneducated, unknowingness or lack of knowledge. It’s even rightly said that: if education is expensive, try ignorance. This is telling you that ignorance is more and far more expensive than education. No matter how costly education is, it is never costlier than ignorance.

Ignoramus are those who refuse to be informed or educated. They are the type of people who paid to get things done for them. You will see them asking people to read or write messages for them. And by doing so, they can be easily deluded and defrauded. This happened to them because they have been showing an insolent attitude towards what are supposed to be their life changing decisions.


Education is never an optional, it’s a must. A key to a brighter future. An opportunity to be relevant in society. To validating how important and significant education is, I will love to quote an exemplary leader and scholar in the field of education; prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he said “seek for knowledge as far as China is concerned”. When he says knowledge, he does not limit you to any field. You can be a scholar in mathematics, physics, English, or whatsoever. You can even be a master in carpentry or mechanic. Don’t just stay idle and be ignorant. Get yourself equipped. To learn all these works or enroll to have these knowledge should be taken with hefty hands. Knowledge is affordable. May we have the wherewithal to behold it. And if you think education is expensive, please go and try ignorance. Then you will know that Ignorance is more expensive and even costlier.

Dauda Musbau is a freelance journalist who writes for Pen Press, Udus; the literature-in-English student can be reached via

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