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Road accident, causing havoc in Africa



accident in ghana

According to research, the number of lives lost this year through road accident in Ghana is placed a little above 272, 000. Add this number to that of other West African countries, it highs up. Taking the statistics of road accidents in Africa alone you do get a shocking result. The reason i choose to remain within the boundaries of Africa is simply because adding that of other countries of the world will get certain individuals panic so much so that they would never want to enter or even wish to acquire a conveyance anymore.

Cars was not invented to kill human beings, its a machine invented like any other machines to ease things for humans. But unfortunately, do to recklessness and impatience, we use it to get ourselves killed.

Before you click to watch the below clip, be warned that it contains very sensitive and emotionally traumatizing pictures. Its an accident that recently happened in Ghana. It claimed the life of 54 children.

[embedplusvideo height=”250″ width=”350″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=YmdTsm-vqdg&width=350&height=250&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2222″ /]


Life is a journey and there is no predicting the outcomes. The only thing you can control are your choices, and they will define who you are or what becomes of you. I advise most especially this festive season, that you be careful on your driving, remember, slow and steady wins the race. It is better to be late than be the late.

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