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Article of Faith

Spirit Husbands And Wives (2) -By Gabriel Agbo

When you have constant sexual activities with faces you know or those you may not know in your dreams, know that you may be under sexual assault by these dirty spirits or their human counterparts. I say this because there are also human occults agents of the dark kingdom that can also manipulate their victims into spiritual sexual relationships.



Gabriel Agbo

“Can the plunder be snatched from the mighty, or the captives of a tyrant be delivered? Indeed, this is what the LORD says: ‘Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the plunder of the tyrant will be retrieved; I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.” Isaiah 49:24-25

Marriages and sexual relationships with demons / spirits are real, very real. That you don’t see or believe in something does not mean that the thing doesn’t exist. Some people do not believe that there is God, but he exists. You see his imprints everywhere. Others don’t believe there are angels, demons, Satan, etc, but they are all over the place. Look at the air you breathe, you don’t see it physically, but you feel it, you experience it and it affects you. Same with these spirit beings, you may not see them physically, but you experience, feel their influence, their operations and activities every day. Though, some of us are more aware because we have frequently interacted with them physically and spiritually. Yes. Everything you read in the bible is true – the existence of God, the lordship of Jesus Christ, arch angels, angels and living creatures, the twenty four elders (as you find in the book of revelations), Satan and demons, the ultimate power of the name and the blood of Jesus, etc. The spirit world is real. In fact, more real than the physical world we see. I am not just speaking as a minister or a believer. No. I also speak as a reporter, a journalist. We are primarily trained to objectively report things as they are without adding our opinion. And you must also verify before you publish. I can comfortably make out a book on my interactions with these spirit beings. But for now, let’s restrict ourselves to our subject – spirit spouses. I am saying all these because the enemy does not want you to know the truth. He knows that it is only the truth, the light that can set you free from his grip. He wants you to be permanently ignorant of his presence and activities, and that is why they are the kingdom that thrives in darkness.



Spirit husbands and wives like we have mentioned in the first part of this article are demonic entities and operators that have sexual relationships with human beings. These spirits are the demons that the bible told us where chased down from heaven after the Lucifer-led rebellion. Remember the bible refer to them as the things in the air, in the water and under the earth. So from the air, land and under the earth they invade, possess, influence and pollute humans. Remember our first text from Genesis chapter six from verse one. Go back and read it again. In fact, it was because of this spirit / human relationship and the strange results that God destroyed the world during Noah’s time. God could not bear the pollution, corruption. Listen to it again, “When people had spread all over the world, and daughters were being born, some of the heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live forever; they are mortal. From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.” In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were descendants of human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of long ago.  When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts were all the time, he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth. He was so filled with regret that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created, and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” Did you read that? This demonic pollution between humans and spirits did not just start today and is not a fairy tale. It has been from the beginning.

When you have constant sexual activities with faces you know or those you may not know in your dreams, know that you may be under sexual assault by these dirty spirits or their human counterparts. I say this because there are also human occults agents of the dark kingdom that can also manipulate their victims into spiritual sexual relationships. A lot of dirty, complex, incredible things go on in the dark world. Sex is a very powerful instrument in the occult world. It can be used for initiating and maintaining covenants, demonic agreements and loyalty, curses, spiritual pollution and bondage. It is also used for acquiring and upgrading power and statues. And when sex is done under a spiritual atmosphere or direction or with a spiritual polluted person, there is often a spiritual transmission of one or more of the things that we just mentioned above. I really pity those that sleep around or have relationships (marriages) with occult men and women. And please, let me say this before we continue. It is not every spiritual problem that will manifest in the dream. There are some that will have this problem but will not even know because they have been totally blocked from seeing it. And that is the worse. You have a problem and you are not aware that the problem is there. You will only see the devastating affects in their life daily. Then, I am not also saying here that every sex in the dream is a relationship with a spirit spouse, but most of them are. True.

Beyond being forced into relationships by these demonic powers, there are also people that willingly, deliberately initiate or submit themselves to these activities. Few days ago, I watched a witchdoctor in Ghana talking about how he is married to a python. He said he makes love with it to get anything or solutions for his clients. My God! He did not hide anything as he was describing how he sleeps with the demonic reptile/spirit. On the same channel I also heard a young beautiful lady proudly talking about having children with her husband that lives in the water. Yes, that could be true. There are thousands, if not millions of people like her all over the world. So many unthinkable, very complex things happen in this world. Until I personally ministered to a lady some years back, I would not have known that a human could be married or betrothed to Satan. It was totally strange to me. But when you know about the activities of Satan or some of these apex satanic organizations you will know that it is very possible. Be careful of the people you associate with, what you eat and wear, and the places you worship. Be careful of the places you go to seek for help and solutions. We will elaborate on these in the next parts.


In the kingdom of darkness every wickedness is possible. There is no limit to their manipulation, corruption and destruction. Their ultimate aim is to destroy man by any means possible. And one of the most powerful, effective instruments the enemy uses is sexual intercourse – both spiritual and physical sex. But look at our text at the beginning, the word of God in Isaiah chapter forty-nine says that even the captives, the victims, the prisoners of these mighty demonic, wicked powers can be set free. This is good news! If you are going through this kind of manipulation, just know that Jesus can set you free today. The name of Jesus is greater that all the powers in the air, on earth and in the waters put together. Next time we will talk about the things that attract these ungodly relationships and how they operate, how to get rid of them and also why many are not delivered even after much effort. Remember to get those my books / audiobooks that I mentioned in the first part. They will open your eyes more to some of these things and also speed up your liberation. God bless! Please, share this message to help others.

Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others. Tel: 08037113283 Facebook: Pastor Gabriel Agbo E-mail: Website Twitter: pastorgabagbo    Whatsapp: 08164819333

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