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The Current Hardship in Nigeria: An Urgent Call for Change -By Dinatu Ishaku

As a student of mass communication and a concerned citizen, I believe it is my duty to raise awareness about these critical issues and push for change. Our government must remember that the people who elected them are suffering and dying as a result of this dire situation. It is crucial that those in authority prioritize the well-being of their citizens above all else.



Almajiri child

In recent times, Nigeria has been grappling with severe hardships that are taking a toll on its citizens. As a concerned citizen, I am compelled to express my personal opinion on the pressing issues plaguing our beloved country. The current level of hardship is simply too much to bear, and it is high time we addressed this critical situation. It is essential that the higher authorities take into account the needs and struggles of the lower-level people. From the scarcity of a three square meal to the removal of fuel subsidies, it is evident that urgent action needs to be taken to alleviate the suffering of the Nigerian population.

The pervasive hardship experienced by the Nigerian people cannot be overstated. From skyrocketing inflation rates to unmanageable living costs, the burden is disproportionately heavy on the poorer segments of our society. Many Nigerians, who placed their hopes in their elected representatives, find themselves struggling just to survive. Families are experiencing constant distress as they battle to secure a meager meal each day. It is disheartening to witness how dire circumstances have become for the less fortunate sections of our society.

One of the most concerning issues exacerbating the hardships in Nigeria is the removal of fuel subsidies by the government. This sudden policy change has had a direct impact on the vulnerable population, who were already weakened by economic difficulties. The skyrocketing fuel prices have caused a ripple effect, further increasing the cost of transportation, food, and essential commodities. The poor are particularly affected, as they struggle to bear such a drastic transformation overnight.


As a student of mass communication and a concerned citizen, I believe it is my duty to raise awareness about these critical issues and push for change. Our government must remember that the people who elected them are suffering and dying as a result of this dire situation. It is crucial that those in authority prioritize the well-being of their citizens above all else. The voices of the common people need to be heard and taken into account when formulating policies and making decisions that affect their lives.

It is undeniable that Nigeria is currently facing an overwhelming amount of hardship. The burden placed on the less privileged members of our society is simply too much to bear. Urgent measures must be taken by those in positions of power to alleviate the suffering and bring about change. The removal of fuel subsidies has only served to aggravate the situation further, leaving many families and individuals struggling for survival. As a united front, we must raise our voices and demand accountability from our government to ensure a better future for all Nigerians.

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