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The Imperative of Making History; A General Course in Nigerian Universities -By Mustapha Abdullahi

A comprehensive understanding of history equips individuals to engage in cultural diplomacy effectively. Nigerian students, armed with historical knowledge, can represent their nation with a nuanced understanding of its past, fostering positive relationships and collaborations on the international stage.



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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the importance of a well-rounded curriculum cannot be overstated. One area that has garnered significant attention is the role of history as a general course in Nigerian universities. While specialized fields are crucial, a comprehensive understanding of history provides a foundation for critical thinking, cultural awareness, and a broader perspective on societal issues.

Nigeria, with its rich and diverse cultural heritage, stands to benefit immensely from integrating history into the general curriculum. A general history course would offer students the opportunity to explore the roots of their nation, fostering a sense of identity and pride in their cultural heritage.

History is a discipline that encourages critical thinking and analytical skills. By delving into historical events and their consequences, students develop the ability to analyze information, make informed decisions, and understand the complexities of the world around them. These skills are transferable and essential for success in various fields.


A general history course can bridge the gap between the past and the present, helping students make sense of contemporary issues. Understanding historical contexts enables individuals to appreciate the roots of societal challenges and work towards creating sustainable solutions.

Nigeria, as a nation, is increasingly interconnected with the global community. A general history course would expose students to global historical events, fostering a broader perspective on world affairs. This exposure is invaluable in preparing students to engage in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.

Incorporating history into the general curriculum contributes to the preservation of national memory. It ensures that the stories of Nigeria’s past are passed down to future generations, preventing historical amnesia and strengthening the collective identity of the nation.


A comprehensive understanding of history equips individuals to engage in cultural diplomacy effectively. Nigerian students, armed with historical knowledge, can represent their nation with a nuanced understanding of its past, fostering positive relationships and collaborations on the international stage.

In conclusion, making history a general course in Nigerian universities is a strategic investment in the intellectual and cultural development of the nation. It not only provides students with a deep understanding of their roots but also equips them with critical thinking skills essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world. By embracing history as a fundamental component of education, Nigeria can pave the way for a more enlightened and globally engaged citizenry.

Mustapha Abdullahi from Mass Communication department Borno State University, Maiduguri.

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