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The Rise in Nigeria’s Environmental Degradation And The Management Strategies -By Muttaka Lawal

The Nigerian government has implemented various policies and initiatives to reduce fuel wood use, addressing the environmental and social challenges associated with its utilization. These efforts aim to conserve forests, improve energy efficiency, and transition to alternative energy sources.



Mittaka Lawal


Nigeria, a nation renowned for its abundant biodiversity and dynamic ecosystems, is confronted with serious environmental issues that need for immediate action and all-encompassing management plans. This article looks at possible strategies to promote sustainable development while examining the main environmental issues in Nigeria

Deforestation and Land Degradation: Logging, agriculture, and urbanization are some of the causes of Nigeria’s widespread deforestation. This leads to ecosystem disruption, biodiversity loss, and soil erosion. To address these issues, afforestation programs and sustainable land-use techniques are crucial.


In Nigeria, firewood is a traditional source of energy for domestic and commercial use. Fuel wood is derived from cutting and burning wood materials such as logs and twigs. It has long been prevalent among rural and sometimes urban dwellers.
In Nigeria, as in numerous other developing nations, a significant portion of the population lacks access to modern energy alternatives. Consequently, they heavily depend on traditional biomass fuels such as crop waste and wood to fulfill their basic energy requirements, particularly for home and commercial cooking purposes.
This reliance on fuel wood has implications for deforestation, as the unsustainable harvesting of wood for fuel contributes to the degradation of forests and the loss of biodiversity. The excessive demand for fuel wood places immense pressure on forest resources, leading to the depletion of woodlands and the disruption of
delicate ecosystems. Furthermore, deforestation exacerbates climate change by releasing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in to the atmosphere This approach

would not only aid in biodiversity conservation but also contribute to the expansion of national vegetation cover.
Environmental impacts of fuel wood utilization

Fuel wood utilization in Nigeria has significant environmental impacts, which include deforestation and loss of forest ecosystems, air pollution, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and land degradation, water resource depletion, Disruption of local ecosystems and associated health concerns, as well as contributing to climate change through carbon emissions.


Government policies and initiatives to reduce fuel wood use

The Nigerian government has implemented various policies and initiatives to reduce fuel wood use, addressing the environmental and social challenges associated with its utilization. These efforts aim to conserve forests, improve energy efficiency, and transition to alternative energy sources.
Water Scarcity and Pollution: In Nigeria, water pollution is a result of both insufficient waste management and rapid industrialization. The public is seriously at danger for health problems due to contaminated water sources. Important measures include investing in water treatment infrastructure and putting strict restrictions on the disposal of industrial waste into effect and enforcing them.

The future outlook for energy practices in Nigeria is gradually shifting towards more sustainable alternatives, aiming to address the environmental, social, and economic challenges associated with fuel wood utilization. Efforts are being made to promote cleaner energy sources, improve energy efficiency, and foster sustainable practices in the country.


To ensure a sustainable future, there is also a need to prioritize sustainable forest management and conservation efforts. This involves implementing robust policies and regulations to prevent illegal logging, deforestation, and degradation of forest ecosystems. By promoting responsible and sustainable forest practices, which includes but not limited to, responsible harvesting practices, reforestation initiatives, Nigeria can protect its valuable forest resources, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate the adverse impacts of fuel wood utilization.

Community engagement, education, and awareness programs are crucial for fostering a culture of forest conservation and sustainable resource use. The Green Vision for Community Development Initiative (GVCDI), a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), provided training to community members in Cross Rivers state on forest protection techniques to combat deforestation. In 1981, the Ekuri community in Nigeria, independently conceptualized a formal community forest management initiative. Their aim was to ensure the preservation of their heritage, sustain livelihoods, foster community development, reduce poverty, and prevent the negative consequences experienced by other communities that had lost their forests. This initiative was born out of the community’s internal motivation and foresight, without any external influence.

One of the key focus areas for a sustainable energy transition in Nigeria is the promotion of renewable energy sources. The government, in collaboration with private sector entities and international partners, is investing in renewable energy infrastructure. These sources offer significant potential to diversify the energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide access to clean and affordable energy, particularly in rural areas.


Air Quality and Urban Pollution: Emissions from burning garbage, automobile exhaust, and industry are major causes of poor air quality in Nigerian urban areas. The impact of urban pollution can be lessened by investing in cleaner energy sources, encouraging public transportation, and creating and enforcing restrictions on air quality.
Oil Spills and Environmental Degradation in the Niger Delta: Gas flaring and oil spills have severely harmed the ecosystem in the Niger Delta region. To address the environmental impact of the oil and gas industry in this region, responsible corporate practices, community participation, and effective regulation and enforcement are essential.
Climate Change Vulnerability: Extreme weather events and increasing sea levels are two effects of climate change that Nigeria is susceptible to. Creating and executing plans for climate adaptation, endorsing renewable energy sources, and engaging in global climate negotiations are essential measures for augmenting resilience.
Garbage Management Challenges: Nigerian environmental contamination is caused by improper garbage disposal and insufficient recycling methods. This expanding issue can be addressed in part by making infrastructure investments in waste management, encouraging recycling, and increasing public awareness.

Conservation of Biodiversity: Illegal wildlife trading and habitat loss are threatening Nigeria’s varied ecosystems. Preserving biodiversity requires bolstering protected areas, enforcing laws protecting species, and encouraging sustainable practices that strike a balance between development and conservation.

In conclusion, Nigeria is at a turning point in its history where sustainable development depends on efficient environmental management. Nigeria can create the conditions for a future that is more resilient and environmentally sustainable by tackling issues like deforestation, pollution, climate change, and responsible resource use. Policies to protect Nigeria’s natural heritage for future generations must be implemented and enforced in concert by communities, businesses, and policymakers.


Jeff Okoroafor is a leading member of a new generation of civic advocates for government accountability and democratic change in Nigeria. The Citizen Affairs Initiative is a citizen-driven governance initiative that enhances public awareness on critical issues of service quality in Nigeria. It encourages citizens to proactively seek higher standards from governments and service providers and further establishes new discussions in communities about the standards that citizens should expect and deserve from those they have given their mandates. Jeff is the Managing Director of SetFron Limited, a multimedia development company that is focused on creative and results-driven web, mobile app, and ERP software solutions. He is the co-founder of the African Youths Advancement and Support Initiative (AfriYasi), a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation that provides tertiary education scholarship for young people from low-income homes in Nigeria. He is a Fellow of the Young African Leaders Initiative and the United Nations World Summit Awards. A Strategic Team member of the Bring Back Our Girls movement, and a member of the National Technical Committee on the Establishment and Management of Missing Persons Database in Nigeria. Jeff holds a Bachelor and Postgraduate diploma degrees in Computer Science, and a Certificate in Public Administration from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, GIMPA.

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