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Forgotten Dairies

Timeline Of Idoma History (From Pre-history to 1960) -By Okopi Jonathan

Power tussle led to exit of Idoma from Idah, the split along their path. Aondoma and Akyana Adi led the ancestor of Alago in present day Nasarawa state and Ejeh led the ancestors of Oglewu.



Idoma tribe

3000 BC—The ancestors of Idoma people began to move into the Benue valley

2500BC—stone tools were used for early form of agriculture.

1500 BC…Idoma ancestors made sculptures, build huts, used skin and traded with Nubia and other North African cities through the silent trans Saharan trade.


1000 BC…the Ai-onowa began to fashion iron for agriculture and warfare. Horses were used by Idoma and the earliest form of Oche began to evolve

500 BC….the Nok civilization was established alongside Idoma

100 BC – 100AD….The Abakpariga of the Hausa extraction began to settle North of the Idoma territory


2BC- 100 AD- The Nok civilization began to decline, the Abakpariga began trade with Idoma territories.

300-500 A.D- Abakpariga changed to Hausa society after movement of the Nilo-Saharan tribes from North Africa and the Yamen and Nok was disappeared

500-1000 AD. Idoma developed a centralized government and had a god-like King. Kanem Bornu began to rise and Jukuns left them.


1000 AD- 1200 AD. Hausa, Bornu launched series of wars on Idoma, Jukuns moved into Idoma territory, the name of the Idoma territory became known as Apa

1200-1400- War intensifies between Idoma and their Hausa/Bornu neighbors.. The Jukuns became part of Apa and began to transform it to Kwararafa (Okolofa)

1400-1450- the capital city of the Idoma was destroyed, emigration of first Idoma group with Igala


1500- Idoma dispersed, Agatu settled around present day Makurdi, another group emigrated to Idah, others remained with Jukuns at Apa

1504- combined Kwararafa force sacked Kano, Zaria and invaded Ngarzagamu, capital of Kanem Bornu

1535- Agbo-Kenjo established Api as the new capital of Apa, Idoma refused to recognize his authority, power tussle began


1540- Idoma and Igala at Idah defeated the Yoruba.

1570- Kanem Bornu invaded Apa-Kwararafa, the era of slave raids for the Turkish Ottoman empire began

1595- Katakpa became the first Aku of Wukari, Idoma still refused to recognize his authority, last batch of Idoma left


1600-1620- thousands of Idoma were lost to plagues, famine, river crossing, war or assimilation into other tribes

Edumoga moved from Ewulo/Ikobi to present location

1625- Power tussle led to exit of Idoma from Idah, the split along their path. Aondoma and Akyana Adi led the ancestor of Alago in present day Nasarawa state and Ejeh led the ancestors of Oglewu.


1630- Idoma and Jukuns formed the new Kingdom of Abinsi

1650- The Kingdoms of Igumale, Agila, Ekile, Ugboju, Adoka, Agbaduma were established.
The King of Idoma at Abinsi was beheaded in ongoing Idoma-Jukun power tussle.
Abutu Ejeh and the last batch of Idoma and Igala landed at Amagede near Adoka

1670- Jukuns were defeated at Idah, Idoma formed new alliance with Igala.


1700-1740- The last Idoma in Idah moved from Igala land to form most of present day Ogbadibo and Okpokwu

1740-1780- Attah Idah began to receive tributes from Idoma. Ida became the spiritual capital of Idoma
Yala and Etulo lost connection to other Idoma
Royal dressing of Idoma chief changed from Kwararafa crest to red cap(Ofula), uloko feather, oka(wrist beads)

1780-1820- disintegration of Idoma Kingdoms into independent clans.
Decline of the influence of Idah.
Ngbo began to push into Idoma territory
Slave trade hit Idomaland


1820- 1890- The Fulani Jihad raged across Idoma land

1899-1909- The Anglo-Idoma wars

1910-1914- The pacification of Idoma and creation of districts


1914-1917- Idoma was divided into North and south.Okpoga became the headquarter of the southern districts.Yala was part of Idoma.

1918.Amalgamation of Northern and southern Idoma, Yala was added to Ogoja,

1924- the Idoma Kingdoms united with capital at Otukpo.
The Idoma native authority was formed.


1928- the last uprising led by Ogbuloko was quelled by the British.

1947- Ogli Oko became the first Ochidoma.
Idoma became part of northern house of chiefs and Idoma chiefs were required by the British to use the turban as symbol of royalty

1960- Ajene Ukpabi became the second Ochidoma.


Okopi Jonathan

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