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Yours Sincerely or Yours Faithfully -By Saliu Momodu



Saliu Momodu

Old fashioned as they may be, letters are not becoming obsolete or going extinct anytime soon. Matter of fact, one still cannot entertain the idea of landing a serious job placement or securing a contract gig without the ritual of doing one letter of some sort or another. But one irreparable damage it seems, that the ubiquitous use of ICT and internet technology has done to our everyday communication is the seldom use we now make of these two very solemn words: ‘faithfully’ and ‘sincerely’.

In all their applicable variants, and for all intents and purposes, the near absence of these two words from our lexicon seems to have wrecked far more vacuum on our psyche than it could ever do on our vocabulary.


Once upon a time, young pupils in their formative years would ruminate and contend one against another as to which between these adverbs is best suited for ending a written letter. This is most appropriate for a formal, and that for an informal letter, they would argue. They would even go further to debate and challenge the intentions of those that originated what seems a very strict formula for a simple piece of written communication. In the course of what never was an ordinary but a rigorous academic, cultural as well as a moral tutelage, these future leaders would unconsciously groom themselves to the meanings, virtues and standards of these words. Words they would henceforth employ in almost every piece of communication with the world and with those that come and go in it. Still wondering why those few minutes of classroom lessons have proven more impacting than countless hours before a spirit-filled preacher today? The difference it seems lies again in sincerity and faithfulness.

But this is the years 2019: the era of slay queens, the age of yahoo, yahoo kings, in the lands of great political emperors. Before we go in that direction, let’s revisit these words for a moment: ‘faithful’, ‘sincere’. The Oxford dictionary defines the former as “remaining loyal and steadfast”, while the latter which is from the Latin word ‘sincerus’, or in English “clean, pure’ defines as “proceeding from or characterized by genuine feelings; free from pretense or deceit”. Don’t you just love what these two would mean if given a more functional place in our conversations and in our collective lives?

It is very true that these words, or more appropriately, their lack thereof happen to be at the centre of almost all our endless vituperations and lamentations today. Whether in the stalemate of our private or business relationships, or in the perennial standoffs with our politicians cum demagogue, we find a critical gulf begging to be filled, again with faithfulness and sincerity.
But many a time you might say, does one encounter a character who comes across with a rare sense of sincerity- at least as perceived, only for the bubble to burst as soon as we begin to wind down for a rewarding relationship. Mind you, many in reality actually do come sincere; they surely may have felt a true, pure and definite sense of emotional impulse which sadly could not endure the trappings and the demands that must eventually follow the initial bout of frenzy. But that is where faithfulness comes to the rescue of sincerity. Indeed it is when these two make an inextricable tangle with the essence of a man that he emerges a formidable character to be coveted by one and all. One without the other therefore may never endure the unforgiving test of time and weather.


But, aside the dictionary meanings as already advanced, perhaps a better way to appreciate the immense implication of these two to our personal and social realities is to personify them? So, think about a business partner called “Faithful” and another by name “Sincere” with whom you have built a business estate that has, and continues to endure, 15 years now since inception. Bring to mind the image of a politician by name ‘Sincere’ who swore by the Good Book“ to be just, standig for one and all”, and three years down the road we are merrier for it- tribe, religion and region regardless.

Think about a friend called ‘Faithful’ who came around and has stuck around through thick and thin just as it was in the beginning. And think about a spouse. Yes, with the fights and scuffles, and the angst and the pain, but who once said “to love and to cherish”- now twenty years and still staying true without a falter.
Did I hear you say oh, only a dream? But in response I would say, if they cannot be, then resolve today that you must be. For it is in one man’s resolve to be sincere and faithful, that another finds sincerity and faithfulness. And remember, things may come full circle quicker than any of us may ever expect.

But who today is taking the time and the trouble of telling this to our youths and our young ones? Who is helping them to understand that looks and swag can only go so far? Especially now that they come two for a penny. How will they come to appreciate that a healthy world can only thrive on good and healthy relationships? And when will they figure out that healthy relationships are only built on sincere actions sustained by a faithful heart?


So the next time you give your word, virtually or physically, on or offline, make ample room for ‘sincerity’ or ‘faithfulness’ as the case may be, and let’s see how things go from there. Who knows what we may elicit from the recipient? And most importantly, who knows if we ourselves may step back momentarily and re-write that piece or re-say those words in order to stay true to these newly-found ending words. Words that come with a reassuring and a sublime character. A character that we ourselves always seek to find in the world, and in those that come and go in it.

Meanwhile, thank you and take care.

Yours Sincerely,
Saliu Momodu.


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