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A Game Of Scrabble -By Marie Obiora



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Scrabble is an interesting game; it teaches us how to spell words as well as understand their meaning. Let’s play a game:

A five-letter word that begins with the letter ‘A’ and ends with the letter ‘M’. It means an anxious awareness of danger or frantic warning to impending danger.


A four-letter word that begins with the letter ‘F’ and ends with the letter ‘R’. It means an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.

A five-letter word that begins with the letter ‘P’ and ends with the letter ‘C’.it means sudden fear or anxiety often causing unthinking behavior.

A nine-letter word that begins with the letter ‘R’ and ends with the letter ‘N’, it means a period of economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two consecutive quarters.


A six-letter word that begins with the letter ‘W’ and ends with the letter ‘R’, it  has to do with the weather and it means the coldest season of the year, areas that experience it sometimes have snowfall and negative temperatures, flu outbreaks are common with the elderly and homeless succumbing to the outbreaks.

A six-letter word that begins with an ‘S’ and ends with an ‘R’, it has to do with the weather and it is the hottest season of the year in the parts of the world that experience winter, during this season flu outbreaks are rare, Nigeria has this season all year round.

I hope you have enjoyed this game, please find below the answers:

  1. Alarm    2.  Fear    3. Panic    4. Recession    5. Winter     6. Summer
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