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A Letter From My 2034 Self -By Sunday T. Saheed



Sunday T. Saheed

It looked like I was in an illusion, since everything seems like I was in another world entirely.  I knew nobody in this illusion, except for my old self who was cooked up in gray hair.

Right from the first sight, I noticed something in his facial expression —- grief. He moved towards me in a white cloth which was matching his gray hair. He looked up to me and shook his head in pity. What I didn’t know was who he was pitying. He handed me a letter that was wrapped up in an envelope, he gave me this and disappeared,  leaving me alone in my own illusion. I tore the envelope and gazed through the contents of the letter which read:

“Hmm, amazingly, the world isn’t revolving as they say it does. I could smell the fragrance of destruction all over you, my young self. It seems your generation is fast coming to end like mine — a generation with faults. The nation has been bounded by meaningless systems which was legalised by blind leaders. The elegy of my own generation has been written, it can’t be torn again. Yours is yet to be, try and let it not to be.


The faults do not lie with the society itself, they lie with the senseless systems the society has been made to abide to. The reason why there are many unemployed citizens in the country is not because there are no available jobs,  but because those jobs had been occupied by offspring of the wealthy ones who mostly don’t even have interest in what they are into, imagine!  Why will there be competent workers when the jobs people are made to do mostly,  are not their passion. These people that are left in the country, jobless, are the one that later aim at the fall of the society. Right now, you can still let your generation be aware of these faults, you can still do so, do so quickly.

There are many ways to make learning easy than they are now. In my generation, the things that suppose to have been looked into are neglected! The practical systems of teaching is the best for now, but they are barely used. Why won’t education look hard and boring? Let’s imagine bringing students to a stadium to watch a live match on the weekend,  and in Monday they should be asked to write an essay on “The football match I watched recently “,  what do you think will happen?  They won’t write anything? Or maybe they will have to rack their brains very hard before penning down a sentence?  No,  the words will come freely, as if they were asked to narrate a movie!

Look into the society you are in right now, many faults ought to be rectified. I had looked into the length and breadth of the nation, the main problem is the application of what had just been learned. I  studied Mathematics for over Eight year. Of all I had learnt, I only know few’s application. Since I had been finding “x” and “y”, I barely know where to use the answers or its solutions to solve the problem in my generation. What is the essence of learning when you cannot apply it? All that you learn should start to give solutions to the problem of the society.


Maybe if these had been done,  my generation will have been saved from the ruins and damages it had suffered from. Go back to the reality and remove your people that are already diving in the river of destruction. Try to tear that elegy that will be written to mourn your generation’s fall. Now go back and warn your people! “

After I read the words “Go back”,  I really did go back to reality. And when I clearly scrutinized, these prophecies will come true if care is not taken. Let’s do according to my  old self and see  the results.

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