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Before Iran Publicly Admitted Its Nuclear Threshold Status Weeks Ago I Accurately Predicted That. I Have Another Prediction -By Joe Dauda

One secret in the Middle East is that it was Saudi Arabia that bankrolled the nuclear program of Pakistan. Remember that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are Sunni Muslim nations, and Pakistan has nuclear bombs.




Under President Joe Biden, the United States of America is about to return to the Nuclear Deal initially signed in 2015 between it and Iran, with the blessings of Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. In 2015, Barack Obama was the President of America. I have already published several analysis about that deal and will not repeat myself here.

Unlike in 2015 when Iran was still far from acquiring the stockpile of pure uranium required to build a nuclear bomb, Iran is now officially a nuclear threshold State. Readers of my articles know that I accurately predicted this, stating that Iran was busy stockpiling enriched uranium and would soon come out to shock naive people by declaring that they had become a nuclear threshold State. My prediction was spot on. Being a nuclear threshold State means that Iran now has enough nuclear material to break out in the blink of an eye. If you compare the matter to rice and stew, it’s like saying a nuclear threshold State has already prepared the stew (which is more difficult) and now only needs to boil the rice.

Some watchers of the Middle East (including my humble self) even believe that Iran already has a few nuclear warheads but is being extremely careful about that information because that information can create a cascade of problems in the Middle East and even justify an Israeli airstrike.


My prediction has to do with the latest information, which is that the head of the Israeli Mossad — David Barnea— will be on his way to the United States any moment from now.

What is Mr Barnea going to do in the US?

As the head of the Mossad, it is nearly 100% certain that Barnea wants to show the Americans some classified information about Iran that is supposed to make them suspend the imminent signing of the revised nuclear deal, which everyone — except Joe Biden and people like him — believes is actually worse than the 2015 version.


One secret in the Middle East is that it was Saudi Arabia that bankrolled the nuclear program of Pakistan. Remember that both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are Sunni Muslim nations, and Pakistan has nuclear bombs. The situation foreseen is that, because the Iran deal is so bad and will not prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, countries at risk from a nuclear-armed Iran will try to acquire their own nuclear weapons to serve as a deterrent to Iran. This will unleash what journalists refer to as a “nuclear arms race.” Because of the primordial rivalry between Sunni Islam and Shia Islam and the desire of Iran to replace Saudi Arabia as the leader of the Islamic world, top on the list of endangered countries is Saudi Arabia — not even Israel! It is Saudi Arabia that has more to lose from a nuclear-armed Iran than Israel, even though both nations are enemies of Iran. This is the most important reason for the secret diplomatic romance between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Judging by latest developments, this romance is showing signs of becoming an open affair. Are you aware that Saudi Arabia has granted Israel permission to use its airspace? Of course they did not state it that way. They said everyone was free to use their airspace but that curious declaration was for Israel’s benefit. Long story.

David Barnea will try to make his American counterparts understand that, as soon as the Iran deal is signed, Sunni nations like Saudi Arabia and Egypt will not sit idly by and watch Iran redefine the balance of power. And Saudi Arabia does not need to begin from scratch. Pakistan can just transfer nuclear technology to them and that is it.

Barnea will also remind the US of what Israel did to Saddam Husseini’s nuclear weapons program in 1981, and how they successfully repeated the feat in Syria in 2007. He will try to delay the signing of the deal by presenting a solid forecast of how the Middle East may go up in flames.


My simple prediction is that David Barnea will fail.

In order not to extend this piece (and for a strategic reason) I will not explain further but add the statement below.

If only he understood the true state of play in global geopolitics from the biblical perspective, Mr David Barnea will be looking to speak to a gentleman by the name of Klaus Schuab. You probably have seen his face recently. He is the head of the World Economic Forum. But to save time (because of the urgency of the situation) it may even be more effective for David Barnea to just head to the Vatican and see Pope Francis. Short of this, he is wasting his time talking to Joe Biden because. . .


Like I already said, I will not explain further.

If Israel feels sufficiently threatened, note that, no matter the vague public statements by Israeli government officials, Israel has an arsenal of approximately 200 nuclear bombs. And you probably need to get on YouTube and see what a nuclear bomb is capable of doing, bearing in mind that, when they thought they were losing the 1973 Yom Kippur war, Israel, under Prime Minister Golda Meir, began to consider using their nuclear weapons. With Russia firmly on Iran’s side and a weak and vacillating American President apparently in cahoots with the enemy, Israel is in a danger similar to the 1973 situation.

What will Israel do?


The UAE (Dubai) and some Arab nations are already making peace overtures to Iran. Guess why. They understand that Joe Biden is not Donald Trump and that, for their own good, it is better to make peace with Iran or pretend to want to make peace — as long as Joe Biden is in the White House. Israel does not have the option of making peace with Iran because Iran has officially stated (and they repeated it recently) that their goal is to destroy Israel and erase it from the map.

So what would Israel do?

Perhaps this last ditch effort by Mossad Chief David Barnea will enable Israel make a final decision about whether to go it alone or trust an American President that is the worst political enemy of the most pro-Israel American President in history— Donald Trump.


Time will tell.

But Israel is most likely to act. In my humble opinion, it is this action by Israel to prevent Iran from going nuclear that will unleash the Ezekiel 38 war. Ezekiel prophesied about 2500 years ago that this war — happening sometime after the regathering of Israel from the nations God dispersed them to — will be led by Russia. Never forget that Russia is a superpower. Apart from the United States, it is humanly impossible for any other nation on earth at this time to stop Russia militarily. Israel does not stand a chance against Russia in a military conflict. Only God in heaven will be able to save Israel from a Russian-led attack. According to Ezekiel 38: 18-23, He will.

May God have mercy on all of us.

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