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Article of Faith

Decimal Of Deceit -By Hashim Yussuf

With no stretch of research, personally, I’m in know of a Muslim Woman who practices Nursing in Burka, and just very outstanding had she been in her chosen profession. I have heard of many, too. What’s is then the headache of the pooey professor and many of his confreres who had seen Niqab as a constraint to the practice or learning of Nursing?



Prof Lawal Ajibade

Knowledge. Wisdom. Two wings worthy academics fly with. While knowledge makes undulatory wave in the right direction, wisdom strikes the balance on the left. In case of Prof Lawal Ajibade, it’s knowledge on the right wing, and sheer stupidity on the left. He had managed to pull his fly over the years, till he finally made a fall with the dirty stunt he pulled against a veiled sister, whose public unveiling he impudently supervised.

“Is it not okay like this with tucked-in Hijab? What are we saying? I’m a Muslim too!” Hear the devilish word that were let loose from the mouth of a supposed intellectual, after perpetrating his evil. He is not alone with “I am a Muslim too”, many of ilks say same to seek validation of their acts from watching crowds, who in most cases are non-Muslims. Funnily, they were also among those who had lambasted him on Social Media Platforms. They vent unsatisfaction towards the commandments of Allah, out of their whims and caprices, or the worldly education that had made them effectuate diabolical remarks about the injunctions of Allah, and then follow it with “I am a Muslim too”. زنادق – heretics in guise of sincere Muslims.

Munāfiq – hypocrite is still a fair word to qualify Prof LA, lest he can convince me of the much differences between him and Abu Lahab, when he openly untear a pearl, unclad a veiled lady and subject her to public humiliation. Her sin: she obeys the injunction of her Lord and what her Constitution permits, in a way that does not suit the Prof’s academic views. Only sincere repentance can make woe not betide Prof LA .


The many reports about the Prof’s past humiliation of Khimarites (ladies in veil) invites silent tears to cheeks, especially from his glaring appearance as a praying muslim with decimal on his head, who should be for them, but turned foe against them. A’thār Sujud – DECIMAL OF PROSTRATION (of deceit in his own case) showing visibly on his forehead as a praying muslim sends more sadness down the spine. If you’re wise enough to postrate daily for an Unseen Being till a decimal becomes evident on your forehead, His injunctions, whether it suit you whim and caprices or not, should be duly obliged too.

One among the many demerits of being vast in just worldly knowledge as a Muslim is the shenanigan Prof Ajibade just displayed. Viewing Allah’s injunctions from the academic and professional view, when Allah’s injunctions supercedes worldly or western views. It’s never to late to seek beneficial knowledge of the Deen to avoid falling into same pit like Prof Ajibade. Islam is practised with adequate knowledge of the Deen, not some worldly views or professional thoughts.

With no stretch of research, personally, I’m in know of a Muslim Woman who practices Nursing in Burka, and just very outstanding had she been in her chosen profession. I have heard of many, too. What’s is then the headache of the pooey professor and many of his confreres who had seen Niqab as a constraint to the practice or learning of Nursing?


I’d give an order to Ajibade’s punishment, should I encounter him one-to-one. And this is for no reason than he showed no sign of remorse for his action. He’s deep in his filth. He deserves stick and not iron correction. If he refuses to tender public apology within the time frame, the Muslim Organizations should use him as another deterrent to other academics who may think Allah’s injunctions must bow to their academic thoughts.

Hashim Yussuf, LegalBard

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