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Article of Faith

MOG – Men of God in Disguise -By Agiri Taibat Blessing

Churches and mosques, Islamic cleric and pastors should not justify the existence of God in Nigeria because His name have been used to commit so many atrocities. Moreover, how many tithes go to God or the church? But who are we to blame?



Men of God in disguise

Religious places today are filled with supposed “Men of Gods” covered with the fragrance and robes of “Men of God”. However, these “Men of Gods” have intents and purposes of disguising, it’s either for monetary gain or manipulating the public, whichever way, “men of Gods” shouldn’t be given the opportunity to expunge the society under the disguise of winning souls for God. Well, before mentioning “of God” we already mentioned the phrase “A man” which means before he’s “A man of God” he was first human and not as perfect as some individuals think he is. In fact, “Men of God” are not perfect at all. There are so many churches whose alter were built upon blood of humans and skull of new borns.

It is disappointing that despite the whole lot of churches and mosques in Nigeria today, societal mayhems such as; kidnapping, killing for rituals, yahoo and a host of others still find it ways into the society and haven’t been quarterly curb. What is more disappointing are the perpetrators of these deviances, to be candid most of these social vices are perpetrated by” Men of Gods” or aided by them. Note that it is essential we establish a difference between “men of God” and “men of the Gods”. While one uphold the Christain virtues and values, the other hide under the shield of those values to carry out evil deeds. They come to the alter with charms underneath their clothes and preach about doing away with black or magical powers. Who are they deceiving?


It is even more intriguing to see many church or mosque goers doing the opposite of what the Holy books say because their own “Men of God” had said so. Men of Gods signify men with different Gods. Men who see money as a god that needs to be appeased with skulls of human. Should we talk about men who political leaders serve as their “godfather. Men of God with godfathers! Recently, a pastor was arrested because he planned his own kidnap and demanded a huge sum of money from his members. An Islamic cleric was charged to court, he was caught with fresh human body parts. Isn’t that an instance of ” men of Gods clothed in the robes of Men of God”? A certain pastor in Ogun State told his members to chew their underwear and the so called “believers” chewed obediently. Why are some Nigerians exhibiting the behavior of illiterate individuals? Nigerians, why are we not thinking?

Churches and mosques, Islamic cleric and pastors should not justify the existence of God in Nigeria because His name have been used to commit so many atrocities. Moreover, how many tithes go to God or the church? But who are we to blame? The “Men of Gods” who sees religion as an opportunity to hit it big or their followers who obey every instructions like sacrificial lambs?

Agiri Taibat Blessing


Lagos State University.

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