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Reason For A Better Life At Your Early Twenties And Above -By Oyindamola Samuel Boladale

We all need to learn coping skills and how to deal with uncertainty, stress and anxiety. After all, even the best-laid plans can fall through. 20s fail to learn the delicate art of respectfully disagreeing with others. You must learn how to stand your ground and defend yourself when necessary.



In the history of life many young humans In their early twenties redirected more of noncensity in most of their doings, perhaps if you form a solid mainstay of people, you are exposed to more opportunities and potential for success in both your career and in your personal life. Build bridges, because you never know when you might be looking to cross them. The 20s are a time to discover who you are and what you care about. This is when you should be embracing big, audacious ideas and dreams, and using your passions to energize you and propel you forward.

Your twenties are a time of figuring out your blueprint for life. You’re officially an adult, moving beyond the naivety of your teenage years, but not yet entrenched in the responsibilities of adulthood. You’re launching toward your future, full of energy and possibility. But you’re also at an age where the uncertainty and heartaches of life can leave you deflated and drained. So how do you manage all these ups and downs and put yourself on a path to a fulfilling and rewarding life?

You start by building a foundation that will give you the insight, experiences, skills and knowledge you need to become who you’re meant to be. You learn to leverage your talents and build your best life, step by step. Each person will do it differently and each will find a unique path that works for them. any great achievement in your life will come only with hard work and persistence. Working diligently and consistently toward your goals is one of the most important things you can do in early adult life. This means pushing yourself, never giving up and finding ways to continue to move forward even after failures and mistakes. Persistence is one of the key skills that will lead to success. It’s so much easier to give up, to do nothing, to relax and forgo responsibility. Persistence requires you to face uncertainty and put yourself in challenging and uncomfortable situations. It requires you to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. Ultimately, persistence will create the positive mental mindset necessary to achieve success.


Many people think their twenties are a time to live free from restraints and worries because the consequences of poor behaviour still seem so far away. But this is also the decade when it’s crucial to start setting good habits that will support you in creating a healthy, happy, successful life, long into the future. start setting good habits now, there is a tendency to burn the candle at both ends when you’re in your 20s. We’re driven to work hard and get ahead in our careers, but of course, we want to enjoy life and have fun, too. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you grind hard at work and then socialize and party nonstop in the evenings and on weekends, you may quickly become burned out. You have to find ways to restore your mind and body if you’re going to produce at the highest level and achieve success both personally and professionally.

In the midst of whatever craziness you have going on, seek to create calm and harmony in your day-to-day living. Find ways to achieve balance in the different components of your life so that one area doesn’t consume and overwhelm you. Your 20s, and are an important time in which to run experiments and figure out what’s important to you, and where your talents and interests intersect. It’s time to figure out what you’re good at. To do this, you need to be flexible and open to trying new things out. you may think you’re cut out to pursue a particular career path, but when it comes down to it, it may not be the job for you. Or maybe you find that your ideas and personality simply mesh better with another area. Sometimes life throws us for a loop, and we have to think on our feet and allow ourselves to find a new, and possibly even more exciting, path forward. Embrace change and make it your own. Be open to new opportunities and try out new things.

You should be spending your 20s honing skills that will help you achieve your goals. Increasing the marketable skills that will eventually pay off for you now and into the future. These are the kinds of skills that all employers need. No matter what career path you choose, having these abilities is always desirable and helpful. However, note that these skills often require ongoing education and learning. More of these notions entails the process of you building your reading career, many young ages fail in this concept because they never reflect on their actions and motives outside their main courses most especially to students who are currently building theirs through educational performances, they are more exploited in their fields but clueless in others. like a friend of mine whom we both currently studying in the university of the 21st century as what they claimed to be; believes in not having any relationship or affairs with other courses that are more related and he never knew there is nothing more productive than taking the time to read. Read whatever you can get your hands on — current news, nonfiction, fiction, career advice, self-help books — anything! The more you know and understand about people around you, yourself, and the world, the more easily and successfully you can navigate those very things. No matter what career field you’re pursuing, certain foundational skills will help you succeed.


We all need to learn coping skills and how to deal with uncertainty, stress and anxiety. After all, even the best-laid plans can fall through. 20s fail to learn the delicate art of respectfully disagreeing with others. You must learn how to stand your ground and defend yourself when necessary. But equally important is learning how to listen to others nonjudgmentally and without jumping to conclusions. don’t underestimate the importance of learning how to ask for what you want. If you want something, go after it, and don’t let anything hold you back. Learning how to communicate your expectations and needs to other people, including friends and haters and in other wishes of yours is entrepreneurship which requires a lot of people of your roundness from Approach networking with a plan of action. Ask yourself who you should be meeting. Who are the people that can help you reach your career goals? And what talents and skills do you have to offer them that sets you apart from others? “This will keep your mind stimulated and open to ideas. You will get a number of ideas for each author that you can implement in your life. You will also get opinions from across the globe,”.

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