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The Economy, (High) Crimes & The Democratic System -By Steven Dwight Ferber

The issue that unites ALL true Americans therefore is that our democratic process of voting in free & fair elections MUST prevail if we are to have any power to change anything from any political perspective, for once we lose the ability to install & remove those who govern us we have lost America!



Vote and democracy in Nigeria - 2022-06-29-woman-casts-ballot-nigeria

It seems many voters in this Election Season are logically concerned about the economic reality & future given the inflation level & concerns about any slowdown that could result from the (independent) Federal Banks’ interest rate rises required to cool down the excessive speed of price & wage increases. Not all of us however seem to understand that the source of this “overheated” economy is rooted in the World-wide Covid19 Pandemic which, thru supply chain disruptions (extended by China’s incompetent use of vaccines which are ineffective against the more virulent forms like Omicron) has prevented the evolved “just in time” delivery system of raw materials & products from recovering nearly as quickly as has the world populations ability & desire to obtain said products. This leads obviously to higher prices for fewer available goods i.e. a World-wide Inflation NOT created by any individual nation.

A major factor in why the Pandemic was so deep & long is the incompetent “leadership” of the previous administration’s anti-intellectual bent & refusal to comprehend that those of us who spend our lives studying Science may well know more than a megalomanic “poor little rich kid” who never grew up because he could avoid learning/working in school when he had “already inherited success” (as the ignorant arrogant might presume). Due to delayed policies & denial of proven Medical facts the Pandemic caused multiples more death & damage (given the still unknown pathology of LONG TERM Covid19) than would have occurred under an Administration who knew how to delegate responsibility to those whose competence is relevant to the problem at hand (as General/President Eisenhower understood).

The other half of the “wage-price spiral” (out of control) which the interest rate hikes are stopping is of course wages. Because of the extensive slow recovery process many older Americans have retired or sought work at home employment which diminishes the workforce as does the pernicious stupidity of racist anti-immigrant bias that the right-wing uses to deceive many into thinking the very same type of people who have come here like most all of our families in the past are somehow “taking their jobs”. The truth is that the GOP has obstructed providing enough immigration Judges to move the process along at a reasonable pace, thereby keeping the availability of working class employees low & so, of course raising the wages beyond any normal inflationary level (considered ~ 2% by most Economists).


Another issue of high interest & concern is the level of crime. It turns out that the Pandemic had a strange affect on such because of simply fewer citizens being out and about where crime tends to occur so that as Society has “opened up” again more interactions, good and bad naturally occur. The horrific nature of today’s worst offenses are made so, of course thru the lack of any logical restraint on the military automatic weapons that are so readily available in this country where the gun lobby implies one cannot hunt deer unless you can cut them in half with a machine gun ! Strange how the rest of the world seems to get by with less mass-murdering access for civilians. But triple profit margins inspire odd logic in those whose highest ideal is Mammon (Greed). The Republicans harping on this issue reminds those of us with a memory of the “Willie Horton” campaign smear against the Democrats in the 1988 election. Any men of color who imagine the GOP has any memory of Lincoln should study their policies since Nixon’s “Southern (racist) strategy” was installed by Sirhan Stupid Hand (RFKs assassin), it’s been quite consistently white supremacist ever since.

The crime issue however, involves more than street crime of course. In fact one might consider that the most serious crimes possible are those committed against the highest law of the land, the Constitution. Indeed what our entire Nation is based upon is that the Constitutional “Rule of Law” must be followed by ALL to allow Just Justice and freedoms (that don’t encroach upon others rights) to be provided to all citizens.

Madison framed the Document to provide for a “democratic Republic” that would be ruled by the people via their free & fairly elected Representatives. There is now however a most anti-American movement to steal from the American people their birthright to choose said Representatives by claiming that once a legitimate Election has taken place, the will of the people can be reversed by incumbent tyrants who lie about easily proven results even when 60 court cases demonstrate that the process has been free and fair. The source of such treason is not hard to trace if one peruses the Mueller Report (which Bill Barr obviously refused to do) as to how the Kremlin influenced the 2016 electoral process (along with Murdoch’s Fox propaganda, the Koch brothers far-right influences and Zuckerberg & Dorsey’s empowerment of lies & deceptions). Donald “the Chump”s allies such as Flynn & Bannon also have been proven to be closely aligned with the Kremlins’ fascist influencers. Of course, after the January 6th attack on the Capitol demonstrated how far the “Mag-ites” are willing to foment insurrection in order to steal power from the American voting Majority an even more obvious high crime involving the theft of more than 300 packets of Secrets from the White House & archives proves how lawless this anti-American movement is ! A grave concern is how many of these “crown jewels” of Intel have made their way to Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin by now ?? The real crime at this point in History is that a proven Benedict Arnold is walking the streets of Mar-a-Largo and brainwashing the racist, fascist loser minority (& those, like the third of Heaven who followed Lucifer straight to Hell). Yes, there is a serious crime problem in America, but it’s not from the Moderate progressives in power.


The issue that unites ALL true Americans therefore is that our democratic process of voting in free & fair elections MUST prevail if we are to have any power to change anything from any political perspective, for once we lose the ability to install & remove those who govern us we have lost America!

BTW the first partisan political Party (after the founding Whigs) was called the “Democratic Republicans” who later split into the two we have today. Perhaps a little Historical perspective could help us live up to our original motto; E Pluribus Unum = “Out of Many, One”. For if we are to prevail against the autocrats like Putin’s Russia & the anti-Confucian Barbarian oppressing China we must ally ourselves with ourselves, at least!

BTW Another victim of the far-right incompetence of mis-handling the Pandemic was probably my own ability to recreate because of the danger of Hospitals early in 2020 when my Prostate malignancy was not discovered in time. My Navy Veteran Republican father might have a different perspective if were to comprehend what his old Party has done to his proud genetic line of the Ferbers from Frankfurt & my Mothers good people from Polska; neighbors of the Ukraine, whom the GOP want to abandon to the tender mercies of Putin’s War Crimes. “Beware of those who make long prayers in public places to be seen of (hu)men(s) only to serve evil behind closed doors.” A quote regarding J’shua of Nazareth’s least loved people, The Hypocrites.


Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber,
Ph.D. Chemistry
Howard University – 2005

B.S. Chemistry
University of Virginia 1976

Arlington, Virginia Native

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