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The Place of Love in Our Relationship with Others -By Edwin Alivionote



relationship with others


Love has been one word that has taken over the dictionary in meaning and interpretations. People in the course of their experiences and personal desires, made the meaning of love to converge to suite their scenario. The meaning of love has been to an acute extent been diverged by the elements of time, education, geography and belief. But, whatever your definition of love has come to represent, love has no room for hate and destruction, this is what makes love the most powerful virtue of all times.

From wiki source; love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. The love we experience these days seem to be more virtual than real, with many claiming that love doesn’t really exist. Several bouts of betrayals, lies, disappointments, failures and injustice have been experienced under the umbrella of love in our relationships, friendships and acquaintances. These have forced an adjustment in the meaning of love to suite personal circumstances and conveniences. The fact that love is relative to peoples experiences, beliefs and orientations is not a healthy thing to condone, as it has drained love essence from our society.


The lifestyle of society seems to give so much eco to the need for love. Love is suppose to be an action word and a doing exercise I guess you will agree with me. People claim that love is meant to promote all the sweet things that life can offer. Hence, our love has transcended from sacrifice for the limitations of others because, the tolerance level of most person is now so dismal and non-propagating to the needs of the majority rather attention is directed to self benefits.

So much talk about love yet the rate of evil deeds to fellow humans is on the rise. What do we really know or learn about the love we profess? The movies scenes paint illustrations about the ideal love that trigger our imaginations into the fantasy of what love should be. Music about love had gone viral and almost every dialect and language has got a song to render on account of love and its euphoria. The noise on love has become rather too much that it has shut most heads from understanding the real and sustainable love’s demands.

The world is aspiring for a community it can term as a global village. This desire requires friendship of people to people and not between communication devices. Should Love lead our conscience then? There is need to learn the demands of love. I believe we should understand this, love has a principle that doesn’t always thrive in our personal comfort but, works for a greater good. The necessity of our times has created more self seeking personalities, who have untamed greed, making the world more volatile with the love for the wrong things in others.


As a man you might want a girlfriend or wife who’s shorter than you, or as a woman you might want a man who’s tall – and that’s fine, but the idea that people have to fit into a particular type is focus on artificial value. Also, happiness is now measured based on access to material benefits, the real happiness lies somewhere in the subconscious mind. The very careless ideal of people making promises to others that they don’t remotely intend to keep has made many see a reason to denounce the existence of love. The hurt and heart break arising from breaching trust is taunting emotionally. Love has its foundation in some pillars that strengthens the bond in relationships.

Cont’d in part 2

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